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Streamers declarations


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I keep seeing streamers defending each other on the cost of being a streamer and giveaways and I think you have gotta get real on this side of it if you going tar fake streamers as being underhand (rightly so) but real money streamers are being so also.

As a self employed affiliate surely all this is classed as a business expense and written off by a good accountant?  however it seems certain streamers dont have one cause their replies when justifying match bonuses (makes sense to use these) and banging on about paying for computers and giveaways (ryan slots in a recent post) can be expensive is baffling and giving other streamers saint status cause they donated x amount or given away X amount this year which is complete bull****.

This topic will be still debated long after we have all gone or youtube/twitch ban it but streamers gotta stop making it out they are paying all this out of the own pocket.

In the defense of the streamer people need to stop thinking streamers are their mates and realise they are running a business that can only be profitable by either sign ups or losses of others.

Watch them if you enjoy doing so, depoist using their links if you want to support them and you were going gamble anyways... better the streamer gets some than the casino gets all considering you are watching their stream.

I am tempted to check on companies house/Fame to see how much of the charitable donations and player giveaways was written off by their accountant , confident this would stop this saint like defense of it.

Streamers gotta stop with it cost to a lot to do this, no its doesn't these are business expenses that we all have to pay. Its like asking your employees to bring their own toilet paper or making them to buy their own computers to work for you.

By donating to charities and offering player giveaways if you play via their link once a month is a great way to keep loyalty and project a nice guy image. But to think they doing this out of the kindest of their own heart is rubbish, they have tested it and it plus EV for them to do this and the clever streamers probably drop big numbers on this bit like businesses offering employees incentives or commission and its as simple as that and nothing more than profit margins.

Pays off when a new casino is added to the website doesn't it or pays a percent of losses if the streamers has signed a good affiliate contract?





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Streamers either real money or fake money, are affiliates at the end of the day. I don't think there is a casino that pays CPA, they pay them a percentage off their net profit. It means in order for a streamer to make money from affiliation you have to lose your money.  This is how online marketing works in general.

The problem is using good tactics or bad tactics to promote the casinos. Real money streamers even though they receive certain bonuses (Some more than others) it's still not that bad because they're not fooling their viewers, though it doesn't reflect the correct image and reality of gambling.

On the other hand, fake money streamers sit there all day, gambling unlimited monopoly money, hitting big wins more often, faking reactions, causing unware viewers to fall for the trap and get greedy and sign up and deposit their money and lose it, and because of the fake streamers having unlimited source of funds they always chase losses, their viewers tend to do the same, the only difference their viewers lose their real money while the fake streamers do not. Instead they benefit even more from their losses, receiving higher percentage of net profit share and live off other people's misery.

At the end, it falls to a white-hat marketer vs black-hat marketer situation.

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Affiliation is quiet known term in casino/streaming community.

I believe by now higher percentage of the people who support and watch casino streams are aware how affiliation works. If they don't google it to get information on their own, then streamers them self had explain that multiple times.

2 hours ago, HADTOCHANGE said:

giving other streamers saint status cause they donated x amount or given away X amount this year which is complete bull****.

Honestly I don't understand your frustration about streamers doing donations ?!? Nickslots himself and his viewers has donated thousands of pounds for charity and great causes! 

2 hours ago, HADTOCHANGE said:

In the defense of the streamer people need to stop thinking streamers are their mates and realise they are running a business that can only be profitable by either sign ups or losses of others.

Maybe not all of the viewers are your "best buddies" , but after 3-4 years of streaming you get so many loyal viewers, that they become part of your community - there are people with gambling issues for which watching streams is actually helpful to not gamble anymore; there are other type of viewers who are in the stream just because they enjoy gambling; people who want to just see the potential in the new games coming on the market; and etc. amd etc.  All these people are part of your stream family in one way or another. 

2 hours ago, HADTOCHANGE said:

Watch them if you enjoy doing so, depoist using their links if you want to support them and you were going gamble anyways... better the streamer gets some than the casino gets all considering you are watching their stream.

Everyone can decide for himself if he wants to deposit thru our affiliate links or not. We could not force players to do so.  We have never done that and we never will. There is a reason why gambling is 18+ ; You make your own decisions - you take your consequences out of it (good or bad, depends on your choices) 

It's well knows that signing up under streamer affiliate link helps and support the stream! So nothing new here 


2 hours ago, HADTOCHANGE said:

Streamers gotta stop with it cost to a lot to do this, no its doesn't these are business expenses that we all have to pay. Its like asking your employees to bring their own toilet paper or making them to buy their own computers to work for you.

By donating to charities and offering player giveaways if you play via their link once a month is a great way to keep loyalty and project a nice guy image. But to think they doing this out of the kindest of their own heart is rubbish, they have tested it and it plus EV for them to do this and the clever streamers probably drop big numbers on this bit like businesses offering employees incentives or commission and its as simple as that and nothing more than profit margins.

Pays off when a new casino is added to the website doesn't it or pays a percent of losses if the streamers has signed a good affiliate contract?

And last but not least,

Giveaways are the way to give something in return to your viewers and show some gratitude about loyalty and support! Most of casino grounds streamers are doing personal giveaways (couple of times every week) due bonus hunts, guessing competitions etc.

Lets not ignore the fact that CasinoGrounds gives you chance to participate pretty much weekly with great giveaways for thousands of euros , collaborating with biggest providers and operators. 


In the end i will just say that CasinoGrounds Streamers have been always transparent about affiliation and we do our best to give a lot in return to our great community!





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My most hated streamers are the roobet themed ones  , they all have similiar contents ( buying massive bonus buys , massive bets on monopoly , crazytime ) . Their each and every youtube video start by promoting a casino and they ask you to use their code when signing up. 

They really make it look like casinos are the ways to make insane money. 

When I once asked politely about the money being real one of those streamers replied " Its all real money bro , I am just a stupid boy with loads of money " . I just left the chat and to thought myself if you are really that rich to deposit 40k in a day why on earth you promote casinos in every single video . 

I dont watch them at all anymore , the only streamers I like and enjoy watching are letsgiveitaspin, rocknrolla and slotspinner. I have no problems signing up through their links because they are genuine and transparent about everything . 

I would rather support genuine streamers than giving all my money in full to casinos. 

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1 hour ago, desity2017 said:

Affiliation is quiet known term in casino/streaming community.

I believe by now higher percentage of the people who support and watch casino streams are aware how affiliation works. If they don't google it to get information on their own, then streamers them self had explain that multiple times.

Honestly I don't understand your frustration about streamers doing donations ?!? Nickslots himself and his viewers has donated thousands of pounds for charity and great causes! 

Maybe not all of the viewers are your "best buddies" , but after 3-4 years of streaming you get so many loyal viewers, that they become part of your community - there are people with gambling issues for which watching streams is actually helpful to not gamble anymore; there are other type of viewers who are in the stream just because they enjoy gambling; people who want to just see the potential in the new games coming on the market; and etc. amd etc.  All these people are part of your stream family in one way or another. 

Everyone can decide for himself if he wants to deposit thru our affiliate links or not. We could not force players to do so.  We have never done that and we never will. There is a reason why gambling is 18+ ; You make your own decisions - you take your consequences out of it (good or bad, depends on your choices) 

It's well knows that signing up under streamer affiliate link helps and support the stream! So nothing new here 


And last but not least,

Giveaways are the way to give something in return to your viewers and show some gratitude about loyalty and support! Most of casino grounds streamers are doing personal giveaways (couple of times every week) due bonus hunts, guessing competitions etc.

Lets not ignore the fact that CasinoGrounds gives you chance to participate pretty much weekly with great giveaways for thousands of euros , collaborating with biggest providers and operators. 


In the end i will just say that CasinoGrounds Streamers have been always transparent about affiliation and we do our best to give a lot in return to our great community!





I do not have an issue with giveaways nor the charity donos in fact I encourage it and have donated to Nick when his cause means something to me personally.

My point was that streamers and fanboys transcending others into godlike status because of this good will gesture when its tax deductible and gives the perception 'hes a nice guy' I will use his links... when it fact offering a giveaways and charitable donos can be classed as a business expense and a very good marketing tool.

So when Ryan slots says do you know how much it costs to run a stream and do you know how much we all give away like they are doing us a favour is just bull**** and I actually dont mind this line by any means but to make streamers out to be martyrs or say do you know how much it costs to buy computers and stream (mentioned in numerous other posts) is just nonsense; it cuts into your bottom line I agree but its a business expense that keeps new players and existing players to keep signing up or  give a streamer or the losses,,,, otherwise why you would bother doing them?  its simple its a business decision and what comes with the type of business you decided to participate in, which is fine but lets get it right you dont do it out of the kindness of your heart but yet people believe you do and its dumb which would be proven by UK streamers year end filings.



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But you know that streamers can just not do giveaways and giveaway money for charity... is it going to make it better then? 

I understand in which sense you are getting annoyed.. its not that expensive to build a streaming settup, but for streamers who play with real money, believe me it could be really costy 

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1 hour ago, desity2017 said:

But you know that streamers can just not do giveaways and giveaway money for charity... is it going to make it better then? 

I understand in which sense you are getting annoyed.. its not that expensive to build a streaming settup, but for streamers who play with real money, believe me it could be really costy 

Fine by me, I use streamers links cause I want too and I do not enter giveaways anyways.

I am either not making my point clear enough or your avoiding it.

streamers do giveaways for a couple of reasons and it won’t be because they are nice people it’s because it generate additional income for them or additional good PR for viewers to share  on social media platforms which in turn generate new viewers and sign ups ... how ever you want to dress it it’s done for money and money only.

My issue is there is a lot of people that fanboy these streamers as good guys cause they donate or give away money when in fact it’s done as a marketing tool and no one is addressing it.. it’s a business expense and is tax deductible and generates an income they get back later down the line. So yeah stop glossing it up as we’re the nice guys cause it’s b*******

Like any good business things do cost and can’t be arse to address Ryan slots comments again but  you all seem like you’re doing well and good luck to you; it must pay the bills so who cares if it costs him lots of money to run a stream. You make a living in a very grey area(involves addiction) so you do need to be open and transparent, I also agree CG streamers are better than most, but again for good reason tho your a business and sold out to Leo and if CS did something wrong then there could be huge issues for all involved so your not real money streamers cause your nice guys but cause it’s a good business venture to be part of CG... but there’s more work to be done your end, but everyone in these forum posts are whiter than white and I am here saying you are not cause you all do it for the money through the gambling of others and then pretend we give thousands away!!! Must be making tens or hundreds of thousands then simple as that.






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Like any other entertainer, streamers earn ultimately earn money from their viewers. Unless they are promoting irresponsible/illegal gambling or shady casinos (e.g. targeting underage viewers, playing obscene stakes with fake money, suggesting gambling can be a profitable activity, promoting sites known to target players in restricted countries), I don't see how this is different in principle from ad-supported online content or even traditional TV media.

And I don't understand the charity comment - you don't have to be a business to claim charitable deductions on your taxes. Anyone who makes charitable donations does it. All it means is you pay a bit less tax.

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41 minutes ago, explorer said:

Like any other entertainer, streamers earn ultimately earn money from their viewers. Unless they are promoting irresponsible/illegal gambling or shady casinos (e.g. targeting underage viewers, playing obscene stakes with fake money, suggesting gambling can be a profitable activity, promoting sites known to target players in restricted countries), I don't see how this is different in principle from ad-supported online content or even traditional TV media.

And I don't understand the charity comment - you don't have to be a business to claim charitable deductions on your taxes. Anyone who makes charitable donations does it. All it means is you pay a bit less tax.

Well that's my point, the majority on here think the following:

X streamer is good person cause THEY donate so much to charity; when the reality it is the viewer donates to charity and there are tax incentives for them to do so.. I dont have a problem with this either... my problem is the white knights on here that dont see the angle  and defend them to the hilt.


X streamer gives away so much money in the competitions to their viewers so they must be the good guys; They may well be the good guys but the reality is the money is either given to them by the casino or written off at year end as a business expense or they earn shite loads off active players depositing monthly to enter... again I am fine with this also but the white knighting by forum members when they dont really get the business angle of it all is worrying.

I want them to acknowledge they do this for profit and the good guy image that comes with it is a bonus and gives them godlike status on gambling forums.

However this will never happen but will happen is a fellow streamer or fanboy will turn the convo into fake vs real streamers etc and were the good guys while never actually saying yeah we do get profit from it or added incentives from donos and giveaways but dont worry were the good guys so it OK.  no its not its misleading asf.


I am only asking for honest and maybe a #AD so people know when they do this that streamer is not philanthropist like everyone thinks they are but in fact they earning good bloody money from it.

I would of just left it but the streamer comments in this post have made me want to look into this further I just need to find the time.

Took me two minutes to find out the UK streamers real names although I am struggling to find any year end filings for them on companies house for them, thankfully the person has annoyed me enough with her breakdown in this thread I will now spare some time on this and share it.

I work for a top 40 firm of UK accountants, tax advisors & auditors so it wont be too difficult to dig into this a little more and see what these streamers are filing and maybe I will disclosure their profits and business expenditure (I am allowed to do this as its free public information) ,

Only company I can find at the moment for a top streamer was Dissolved recently but has the same name, same city and is listed as a internet marketeer which is really interesting.

No doubt its all above board and I be happy to confirm this but since the women streamer was so opinionated I think it be nice to know what taxes UK streamer are contributing and what dividends they are paying themselves, lets see how real and good they really are I guess!!


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The only UK streamer I watch is rocknrolla and he is open about everything including his affiliate earnings . In one of his videos he even talked about his monthly signups and everything. 

I follow rocknrolla and TGC , last week rocknrolla even started a thread asking " Should all gambling be banned " being an affiliate and streamer himself he just wanted to hear people's thoughts . 

Currently he is not even streaming as he lost so much and taking a break from gambling ( except the poker tournament few days ago which he said he would participate in advance and he did ) . 

There are genuine streamers and selfish streamers , its upto viewers who they want to support .

I dont think i am a fanboy who blindly just support, all I am trying to say is there are good ones and the bad ones just like anything in this world. 

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1 hour ago, HADTOCHANGE said:

Well that's my point, the majority on here think the following:

X streamer is good person cause THEY donate so much to charity; when the reality it is the viewer donates to charity and there are tax incentives for them to do so.. I dont have a problem with this either... my problem is the white knights on here that dont see the angle  and defend them to the hilt.


X streamer gives away so much money in the competitions to their viewers so they must be the good guys; They may well be the good guys but the reality is the money is either given to them by the casino or written off at year end as a business expense or they earn shite loads off active players depositing monthly to enter... again I am fine with this also but the white knighting by forum members when they dont really get the business angle of it all is worrying.

I want them to acknowledge they do this for profit and the good guy image that comes with it is a bonus and gives them godlike status on gambling forums.

However this will never happen but will happen is a fellow streamer or fanboy will turn the convo into fake vs real streamers etc and were the good guys while never actually saying yeah we do get profit from it or added incentives from donos and giveaways but dont worry were the good guys so it OK.  no its not its misleading asf.


I am only asking for honest and maybe a #AD so people know when they do this that streamer is not philanthropist like everyone thinks they are but in fact they earning good bloody money from it.

I would of just left it but the streamer comments in this post have made me want to look into this further I just need to find the time.

Took me two minutes to find out the UK streamers real names although I am struggling to find any year end filings for them on companies house for them, thankfully the person has annoyed me enough with her breakdown in this thread I will now spare some time on this and share it.

I work for a top 40 firm of UK accountants, tax advisors & auditors so it wont be too difficult to dig into this a little more and see what these streamers are filing and maybe I will disclosure their profits and business expenditure (I am allowed to do this as its free public information) ,

Only company I can find at the moment for a top streamer was Dissolved recently but has the same name, same city and is listed as a internet marketeer which is really interesting.

No doubt its all above board and I be happy to confirm this but since the women streamer was so opinionated I think it be nice to know what taxes UK streamer are contributing and what dividends they are paying themselves, lets see how real and good they really are I guess!!


Of course they are doing it for money you don't need them to tell you that 

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1 hour ago, Gee_Bee1 said:

Of course they are doing it for money you don't need them to tell you that 

I know that's my point and I actually dont have issue with it, i do have issues where they think they are whiter than white and defend each others actions on here, just in this post Destiy says we give so much back to the community unlike fake streamers ( their go to card) and we dont have to do giveaways, another point I making yeah you dont but you do to line your own pockets and it gives me the hump that they aint transparent about this side of it and people give them godlike status cause they have given back to community.

They sold 51% share of their business to a casino, I mean who gives up majority holding in their company that is a direct conflict to a people gambling forum, they did cause I bet they got PAIDDDDDD, so lets see if its all above board now.

She got my back up so much already I have looked into UK streamers for just 10 mins only and found some irregularities with the UK streamers I have looked into and are break advertising rules concerning their website (shock) they need to make changes to certain things or are open to a fine by law in the UK.

Not saying they are intentionally breaking the law but they are and I have barely started because of their cocky stance to someone that says a streamers is in the wrong. hopefully I dont find anything else out either cause if I do it is all Desity fault is all I am saying and I guaranteed this will become unwanted attention for them, because of one cocky streamer and their 'were the good guys attitude and you're wrong attitude'


Well they are breaking UK law not me so I wonder what her reply will be to that? were not fake streamers pick on them??

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51 minutes ago, HADTOCHANGE said:

 just in this post Destiy says we give so much back to the community unlike fake streamers ( their go to card) and we dont have to do

she never said that

54 minutes ago, HADTOCHANGE said:

She got my back up so much already

 She could have ignored this post  altogether but she felt the need to respond to your concerns and express her opinions for that i really  appreciate  @desity2017. You have to listen to others too if post in a public form.

1 hour ago, HADTOCHANGE said:

They sold 51% share of their business to a casino, I mean who gives up majority holding in their company that is a direct conflict to a people gambling forum, they did cause I bet they got PAIDDDDDD, so lets see if its all above board now.

 I agree with you on this , that is a direct conflict indeed. At the end of the day money wins anyway and it is a business , you can't  look for Gandhi or Nelson Mandela in this , maybe  you would have done the same thing if you were in their shoes. As long as they are transparent about it , I think its fair.


6 hours ago, HADTOCHANGE said:

Fine by me, I use streamers links cause I want too and I do not enter giveaways anyways.

 Do you know that when someone clicks your profile they can see all your posts ? or Maybe someone hacked your CG account and entered the giveaways on your behalf.


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9 hours ago, HADTOCHANGE said:

I know that's my point and I actually dont have issue with it, i do have issues where they think they are whiter than white and defend each others actions on here, just in this post Destiy says we give so much back to the community unlike fake streamers ( their go to card) and we dont have to do giveaways, another point I making yeah you dont but you do to line your own pockets and it gives me the hump that they aint transparent about this side of it and people give them godlike status cause they have given back to community.

They sold 51% share of their business to a casino, I mean who gives up majority holding in their company that is a direct conflict to a people gambling forum, they did cause I bet they got PAIDDDDDD, so lets see if its all above board now.

She got my back up so much already I have looked into UK streamers for just 10 mins only and found some irregularities with the UK streamers I have looked into and are break advertising rules concerning their website (shock) they need to make changes to certain things or are open to a fine by law in the UK.

Not saying they are intentionally breaking the law but they are and I have barely started because of their cocky stance to someone that says a streamers is in the wrong. hopefully I dont find anything else out either cause if I do it is all Desity fault is all I am saying and I guaranteed this will become unwanted attention for them, because of one cocky streamer and their 'were the good guys attitude and you're wrong attitude'


Well they are breaking UK law not me so I wonder what her reply will be to that? were not fake streamers pick on them??

What I do is I don't watch the streamers who I don't like and simply don't think about it. 

The large majority are revolting but I couldn't report on their activities because I don't view. 

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I don't see anything bad with streamers and their donations. Their channels,their ideas,great for them they found themselves a way to earn money pretty funny way.some of them money from donation give to charity, some keep them for themselves. What ever that's their choice and viewers choice to donate.the only issue I got are giveaways cos to many times they make you sign up to some casinos to enter which make it impossible to some viewers to participate in giveaways due to location, gamban etc.only few there is very  generous and don't expect their viewers to sign up to any site like  nickslots, supermask

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22 hours ago, HADTOCHANGE said:

I am tempted to check on companies house/Fame to see how much of the charitable donations and player giveaways was written off by their accountant


14 hours ago, HADTOCHANGE said:

Took me two minutes to find out the UK streamers real names although I am struggling to find any year end filings for them on companies house for them, thankfully the person has annoyed me enough with her breakdown in this thread I will now spare some time on this and share it.

I work for a top 40 firm of UK accountants, tax advisors & auditors so it wont be too difficult to dig into this a little more and see what these streamers are filing and maybe I will disclosure their profits and business expenditure (I am allowed to do this as its free public information) 


11 hours ago, HADTOCHANGE said:

Not saying they are intentionally breaking the law but they are and I have barely started because of their cocky stance to someone that says a streamers is in the wrong. hopefully I dont find anything else out either cause if I do it is all Desity fault is all I am saying and I guaranteed this will become unwanted attention for them, because of one cocky streamer and their 'were the good guys attitude and you're wrong attitude'

@HADTOCHANGE🖕 You sir, are a real creep . 


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I don't really see what all the fuss is about.

Some streamers do giveaways to promote their channel; what is the big fucking deal?

Some streamers give money to charity; what is the big fucking deal?

Some viewers, after years of watching and interacting with a streamer, feel some kind of connection to that viewer and the community of viewers; what is the big fucking deal?

Someone works for a top40 accounting firm and is threatening to blow the lid off; bullshit, you don't work for a top40 accounting firm, tax advisor or auditor. If you did you would be in direct violation of the code of conduct by which you are governed. You would have to be stupid beyond belief, to be mouthing of on a forum about wrongdoing, if you are in employ of any company that is regulated.

I do get the sense that you are indeed stupid enough to shoot yourself in your own foot, so perhaps it is possible, but then we would also need your employer to be stupid enough to hire you. There are too many interdependent acts of stupidity required for this story of yours to check out

I call bullshit.

Encourage CG to keep track of your contact details, verified or not, and IP details to forward to your employer (who doesn't exist) to report very unprofessional behaviour.


@OrzabotNow lock the thread👍



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