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Ultra casino- never again


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sorry for the long post but needed to rant about this. I’m so angry at the casino, but also angry at myself for playing it back. 
Story is that I made many deposits in December without issue, then I made a withdrawal and encountered issue after issue.
First my withdrawal is pending for 72hrs, then it gets cancelled by the casino (chat confirmed technical issue caused this and to try again).
So I try to withdraw again, and again I wait for the pending period. Same issue, withdrawal fails and funds return to my account.
I try one final time and live chat confirms that it’s all good and is being processed.
I put a 7 day time out on my account and deposit limits in order to wait for the funds and actually get a payout, after 7 days I log in and money is back in my account.
Live chat says my bank details are incorrect (they aren’t-I even sent my bank details screenshotted from internet banking to them to prove they are correct). Eventually, after a long back and forth, live chat confirms the money has been sent.
My account shows as withdrawal approved on 30/12, and to wait 3-5 business days for it.
I wait and wait,  contact my bank and they confirm no inbound transactions showing on my account so I contact the casino. They ask that I send my bank statement proving this, so I do. 
And then magically the funds appear back in my casino account.
I ended up playing it and losing it, so angry that I did that but the funds should never have been available to spend since they confirmed it was processed and being sent to me.
Live chat tells me that the bank details were wrong and they can’t send money to the wrong bank. This is a terrible excuse, I confirmed my bank details multiple times and every time they were correct.
feels like they did whatever they could to delay paying out. They took the funds from The same account when depositing with no issue but they say wrong bank details when paying out to it, 
so disappointed in myself for not staying strong and waiting on it but after so many cancelled withdrawals from them it eventually happened.
waiting to hear back from my official complaint I raised as this is not a good way to treat players.

I have asked them to confirm what bank details they have that they are saying is wrong as I provided them bank statement and bank info when verifying my account and I am 100% sure they are correct the details I have since I even provided them with screenshots in chat from my bank showing the details as correct. 
anyway, silly from me,  and a warning to stay clear of casinos with this practice 
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Yeah I stayed strong for so long, every time they cancelled it I would withdraw again, but this has happened so many times I gave up.


more annoyed at being told multiple times it’s already been sent from us and they have processed it, the whole time they were just lying. 

from support ‘01:48:12 PM) Abdi: Your withdrawal was paid out 30 December 2020’ this is clearly not true.

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Very unfortunate the withdrawal didn't process correctly. This could be an problem with the bank aswell.
Did u deposit with the same account, using trustly?

Had similar issues in the past, withdrawals that didn't get through, even after a 48h or 7-day cooloff.
Very frustrating, but we are responsible for our own actions after such an event. That money would have reached you eventually.

The best rule is to set a wager limit and dodge the casino till the money is in your account.

For me withdrawals @ Ultra are always quite fast, only their fees are horrendous.


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Yes I deposited via Etransfer as I’m in Canada, withdrew to same account using the exact details from my bank.

I know I’m responsible for it but I feel it should never have happened as I made the same withdrawal multiple times and they kept coming up with some excuse, technical error, or wrong details.

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22 hours ago, joemama said:
sorry for the long post but needed to rant about this. I’m so angry at the casino, but also angry at myself for playing it back. 
Story is that I made many deposits in December without issue, then I made a withdrawal and encountered issue after issue.
First my withdrawal is pending for 72hrs, then it gets cancelled by the casino (chat confirmed technical issue caused this and to try again).
So I try to withdraw again, and again I wait for the pending period. Same issue, withdrawal fails and funds return to my account.
I try one final time and live chat confirms that it’s all good and is being processed.
I put a 7 day time out on my account and deposit limits in order to wait for the funds and actually get a payout, after 7 days I log in and money is back in my account.
Live chat says my bank details are incorrect (they aren’t-I even sent my bank details screenshotted from internet banking to them to prove they are correct). Eventually, after a long back and forth, live chat confirms the money has been sent.
My account shows as withdrawal approved on 30/12, and to wait 3-5 business days for it.
I wait and wait,  contact my bank and they confirm no inbound transactions showing on my account so I contact the casino. They ask that I send my bank statement proving this, so I do. 
And then magically the funds appear back in my casino account.
I ended up playing it and losing it, so angry that I did that but the funds should never have been available to spend since they confirmed it was processed and being sent to me.
Live chat tells me that the bank details were wrong and they can’t send money to the wrong bank. This is a terrible excuse, I confirmed my bank details multiple times and every time they were correct.
feels like they did whatever they could to delay paying out. They took the funds from The same account when depositing with no issue but they say wrong bank details when paying out to it, 
so disappointed in myself for not staying strong and waiting on it but after so many cancelled withdrawals from them it eventually happened.
waiting to hear back from my official complaint I raised as this is not a good way to treat players.

I have asked them to confirm what bank details they have that they are saying is wrong as I provided them bank statement and bank info when verifying my account and I am 100% sure they are correct the details I have since I even provided them with screenshots in chat from my bank showing the details as correct. 
anyway, silly from me,  and a warning to stay clear of casinos with this practice 

Hi there @joemama

Thank you for raising your feedback here at Casino Grounds community.

First of all, I would like to apologize for the experienced inconvenience! 

I have already been in contact with you via private message, and forwarded your case to our Payment & Fraud team. 

I will get back to you as soon as I have received the feedback from the relevant team. 

I would like to thank you for your patience and collaboration!

Kind regards,


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  • 3 weeks later...

Update from Ultra casino 

received a reply to my complaint and its very poor. In the reply they state the following;

'After investigation, we can confirm that you indeed made several attempts to withdrawal from your player account with Ultracasino on the 20th December 2020, all of which were denied, due to the fact that you provided an illegible scan of your credit card details. As a result, you were informed by our Customer support team about this issue, whereby you were requested to provide us with a clear photo of the front and back of the credit card in your name.'

I provided very clear images again via email on 26th Dec and was not told they were ineligible after i sent these, these were accepted after i resent them. 

'Shortly after on the 30th December 2020, we also noted that your withdrawal attempts were denied, due to the fact that your bank details you provided to us did not match that of which was indicated on your player account. For this reason, we can confirm to you that your funds were immediately placed back into your player account.' 

I know 100% that the bank details i entered matched those of my bank, i sent a screenshot of my banking details confirming they were identical- this was confirmed in chat that they are the same and that they had been accepted. I have the chat transcripts where i showed them my details in a screenshot from my bank.

For Canadian bank transfer withdrawals they ask for Transit no (5 digit number), Institution no (3 digit) and Acc no (7 digit). I entered these exactly as they appear on my bank account. They kept rejecting it saying that i need to give them the Branch number, even though they dont request this information on the withdrawal page- they ask for only the 3 peices of information above. When they asked for this via live chat, again i gave them it as it appears on my bank statement and i sent them the same statement when verifying my address. So 100% all my bank details were correct. 

not to mention this is also a lie, i was told on the 6th Jan that this withdrawal has been processed successfully on the 30th Dec and the funds will be received by me within 0-5 working days.  So they say in their email response the withdrawal was immediately placed back in my account on the 30th- on the 30th it showed as approved, live chat transcripts as proof that it was 'sent' to me. 

I asked in my complaint for them to provide me with the details that they claim are incorrect- they did not provide this, as there was no incorrect banking details. 

So overall, these excuses from them why they didnt pay out were very poor. Not having the card details from my 1st deposit, ok fair enough and i provided it to them. But saying i then gave them incorrect bank details every time i tried to withdraw is a poor excuse when i provided them with proof of the bank details on my bank statement- the same statement which showed the transactions to their casino. 


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yeah it is. 

They had no reason to return the withdrawal to my account, claiming incorrect banking details is a poor excuse given that i checked and double checked them each and every time i attempted to withdraw. And then coming back on chat later saying they also need Branch Number, if they needed that peice of information then request it on the withdrawal page too. 


it was more the lies, telling me many times that its been processed, just wait 5 more days and itll be in your bank account. And then in their response today stating that the funds were immediately put back in my casino account the same day i made the withdrawal as the details were incorrect (if that was the case why 6 days after i made the withdrawal was the withdrawal showing as approved and support telling me its already been sent to me). Lies upon more lies. 

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Update again.

After requesting confirmation from the compliance team as to what details they claim i entered incorrectly resulting in the withdrawals being cancelled they have confirmed the follwing;

'We can confirm that you provided your bank details incorrectly on your UltraCasino account when attempting to withdrawal. The bank statement that you provided to BP Group Limited on the 25th December 2020 with your account no. xxxx-xXXXXXX did not match the branch number and financial institution number (004), hence why your withdrawal was cancelled'

Firstly, on their withdrawal page they DO NOT ask for branch number, this appears on the bank statement only. I cant enter my branch number incorrectly as they dont even ask for this piece of information. 

On their withdrawal page they request only the account number, the institution number, and the transit number Only. All of which i entered correctly, i screenshotted these from my online banking and sent it to them as evidence to them that what i entered was correct. 

So i am very confused as to how they can state i entered incorrect details when i have provided them with bank screenshots, bank statements showing that what i was entering was exactly as it appears on my bank. 

I have sent them the evidence again that i provided the correct details multiple times and this was confirmed with live chat- these chats are emailed to me luckily so i have proof of me sending them the banking screenshots showing the details i am entering match my banking details. I am looking for them to give me the exact details i entered that they are saying are wrong. 

@Bob_UltraCasinoif the compliance team are going to use the excuse that i entered the branch number incorrectly then perhaps they should also update the withdrawal page to actually ask for this information- i cant enter details incorrectly that aren't requested at the time of withdrawal. 

Sorry for the rant, just annoyed that they can refuse to payout with such poor excuses saying im in the wrong when they didnt want to payout the whole time. 

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Hi @joemama,

You have received the final answer from our compliance team today via email, and I have as well confirmed the result by sending you a private message here at Casino Grounds. :) 

We would like to apologize for the experienced inconvenience and for the time it has taken to solve the case. 

Don't hesitate to send me a private message, if you come up with any questions!

Kind regards,


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Bob is the best! Always on top on things, and always doing all he can for the customers 😊 🏆

This is the first time I have heard a casino paying a customer even if he/she touched the withdrawal and lost it. 

Strange how quiet people are when the issue is solved. No thank you and no confirmation that the issue is solved.. 


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12 minutes ago, weimaren87 said:

Bob is the best! Always on top on things, and always doing all he can for the customers 😊 🏆

This is the first time I have heard a casino paying a customer even if he/she touched the withdrawal and lost it. 

Strange how quiet people are when the issue is solved. No thank you and no confirmation that the issue is solved.. 


They agreed to refund it ‘Due to exceptional circumstances on the issues you have raised’, that and the amount of evidence that I provided them with showing that I was entering correct banking details every time I tried to withdraw countering their claim that they cancelled the withdrawals due incorrect details and so they should have processed it the first time of asking.

I did thank Bob via private message for his help in this matter. 

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3 minutes ago, vanHooff said:

^^ forum user is Canadian, it is real early over there and forum user might not be frequenting this forum all the time.

I second the compliments for Bob, amazing.

It could be that in this case, but most complaints ends without a thank you or a confirmation when it is solved.. 🙄 Is it not ordinary courtesy to do so? 🙂


@Skylined87 case solved. 🙂 

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