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[RESOLVED] Didn't receive the money i won in Nickslots Giveaway!


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Hello guys,


First of all i wanna say that i dont really do this to stur up any shit, i just dont think it's fair thats why im doing it. I appreciate Streamers doing Giveaways and especially the one's Nick does.

So i won in White Rabbit Feature Buy Giveaway #7.

I have never received any message from Nick regarding my winnings. I tried contacting Nick via Email twice, didn't receive an answer and also messaged him on Twitter multiple times, to which i also never received an answer except for the first time, which didnt really tell me anything useful. (You can see by the blue ticks that nick read alle the messages on Twitter)


As a student who currently moved into his first own apartment this would've definetly helped me out alot, it saddens me that simply never received the money without even a reason or any kind of information as to whats going on.


I just want to know whats going on, if i'm ever going to receive it or atleast get a reason why i don't.

I appreciate everyone reading this and hope that Nick answers.



Lars L.






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First of all there must be an explination as to why you haven't got it yet you could of messaged him here its part of his own forum?

hes a genuine guy you will get the payout Just be patient he may also be very busy remember he has 2 kids, partner, full time affiliate business streaming and numerous business related work.

give the guy a break, relax a little its small change what you won, you won it fair you'll get it just hold on and await his reply.

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3 hours ago, ryans_slots said:

First of all there must be an explination as to why you haven't got it yet you could of messaged him here its part of his own forum?

hes a genuine guy you will get the payout Just be patient he may also be very busy remember he has 2 kids, partner, full time affiliate business streaming and numerous business related work.

give the guy a break, relax a little its small change what you won, you won it fair you'll get it just hold on and await his reply.

U mean wait another 30 days ans worry without a reply Nick's genuin ,but he may not know that 

clutching dave chappelle GIF

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