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Norway ffs


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That is not good news. Norway have it hard in terms of the gambling market now. VISA-blocks by banks makes it hard to deposit, and high fees and inevitable exchange fees are crumbling the suceeded one. I remember last year where thousands of withdrawals was stuck, because the norwegian government decided that was best for all players and providers to block money coming in from gambling. This only restricts international gaming-companies, who are competing on the same market and makes the terms better for the players - but soon you will have a monopoly for Norsk Tipping with shit odds and rigged RTP's. Merry christmas. 

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Thought I'd add this here, email from C as umo support.


Dessverre må vi informere om at Skrill e-lommebok, Skrill Rapid Transfer, Neteller og Paysafekort ikke lengre vil være tilgjengelig for transaksjoner til og fra samtlige online casinos i Norge fra og med 8. desember. Disse metodene vil være tilgjengelig for uttak frem til 16. desember.
Ingen grunn til bekymring. Vi kan tilby to gode e-lommebokalternativer her hos oss, MuchBetter og EcoPayz. Disse er raske, pålitelige og enkle å sette opp.
Vi beklager eventuelle ulemper dette måtte medføre men vi håper du har mulighet til å benytte deg av våre alternativer istedet.


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About time Norway did something about this! Been waiting a lot for this to finally happen

The banks are also very strict now (got an email from the bank that said if I continues to deposit/withdraw they will close my account.

I don’t think Norwegians in general knows that all deposit and withdrawals get reported and if you are unlucky you will most definitely owe a lot of tax. 

I am a gambler as well but to be honest I really am happy the government takes control. Specially due to responsible gamble. 

Now you can spend your money on Norsk tipping or quit gambling :)

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On 06/12/2020 at 12:54, Casinotraveler said:

About time Norway did something about this! Been waiting a lot for this to finally happen

The banks are also very strict now (got an email from the bank that said if I continues to deposit/withdraw they will close my account.

I don’t think Norwegians in general knows that all deposit and withdrawals get reported and if you are unlucky you will most definitely owe a lot of tax. 

I am a gambler as well but to be honest I really am happy the government takes control. Specially due to responsible gamble. 

Now you can spend your money on Norsk tipping or quit gambling :)

What? Owe a lot of tax? Care to elaborate on this?

You're happy that the government wants to control more and more of what you do and when you do it? kk
Don't you think that the numbers might get "darker", that the 'troubled player' will be harder to detect early on?

Also; do you expect Norwegian authorities and banks to ban every payment provider dealing with crypto currencies etc too? 
Just curious.

Norsk Tipping's offers (especially on their Kong Kasino) are no were near what 'Maltese' online casinos has to offer..

EDIT: Can you share which bank sent you the warning and perhaps more specific details on what they warned you about?

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