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casumo- will i get my money or not ?


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Exactly what @lukisss77said. It shouldnt be like that, that if u hit something big you instantly start to worry what the casino would do...

When i won 10.000X on Return of the kong on bethard, i made ALOT of small withdrawals, which got automaticly accepted. In 24 hours i had all my money in the account atleast, i just know it would take so much longer if i made 1 big withdrawal :)

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On 30/11/2020 at 20:41, dirtystack said:

Is your husband self excluded at Casumo by any chance?



45 minutes ago, lukisss77 said:

Anyway if this gonna past next few days I will propably seek for help in Casinomeister

Unfortunately Casumo have the most rigorous SoW checks in the industry.

If Casumo does not pay up, you could/should start a 'PAB' at Casinomeister.
It is a fine site and they are running a good arbitration service.

If I am reading between the lines correctly,  @lukisss77 is the husband of @redbomb ?

If so, I really hope you will get paid (soon), you both seem like very nice people.

And really hope this is not a case of lukisss playing on redbombs account. 

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2 hours ago, lukisss77 said:

@dirtystackI know that you are defend Casumo, but saying that everything is undrstandable from their side is not in right place. Its only 26k and casino act like this could be milion. Why They don't ask for documents and other stuff when withdrawal ammount is for example 100$. Why They don't ask for documents after registration?

This is really scary nowadays to win money on casino cause next days could be really stressfull.

Anyway if this gonna past next few days I will propably seek for help in Casinomeister

I know, i thought this was a gambling community for players but it seems heavily infiltrated with casino employees sticking up for their fellow crook*cough* i mean colleagues. 

The shitty part is that I was so against state regulated casinos as we have in Norway but lately it seems like one of the few safe places to guarantee a payout no matter how much you win without all the stalling BS. In other words I think the Casino business are "shooting themself in the foot"  when these stories are documented in this community, they loose trust and goodwill from the players AND the government legislating gambling regulations. 

FYI: Casumo has always paid me, and never taken any withdrawls. There has been some borderline stalling games put up, but nothing really above the line. 

My friend however has a pending 4,6K euro withdrawl from casumo that they have been stalling for 2 months now. asking for document after document. At some point they stop listening to common sense and act like robots. I mean that was just 4,6K so just hang in there mate! 🙂 

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I know you interpret it as me defending the casino but I'm not. I am explaining why they are asking for this stuff because I work in a casino and know there are various trigger amounts that, once triggered, obligate the casino to start the due diligence and enhanced due diligence, verification and enhanced verification,  procedures.

I'm not defending Casumo, I'm trying to help Redbomb understand the reasoning behind Casumo's actions so that she stays calm throughout this whole ordeal and doesn't get to emotional and pissed of with it to the point where she has a breakdown or gives up.

They don't do it for a £100 withdrawal because it isn't an amount that triggers their  extra verification. If they have the trigger for additional verification set at £10 000 then a withdrawal of £100 isn't going to trigger it.

That is all I am doing and, if no satisfactory outcome from Casumo, then I will keep posting and trying to assist Redbomb with the formal complaints procedure as I know how that works too, I know what info is needed, I know the way to phrase everything in a way that works, I know what casinos absolutely don't want written on formal complaints as those complaints have to be submitted - along with any outcome - to their licencing body. I have been dealing with complaints, resolving disputes and deciding on fair outcomes for many years.

That is what I am trying to do.

If I sat here just writing post after post of uninformed nonsense then people like@bbbest55 would have nothing to add.

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39 minutes ago, bbbest55 said:

I know, i thought this was a gambling community for players but it seems heavily infiltrated with casino employees sticking up for their fellow crook*cough* i mean colleagues. e! 🙂 

From my PoV, I am an avid player and have no ties to the gambling industry:
we are lucky to have @dirtystack here on the forums and posting from a personal account.
In player-casino dispute threads* he is consistently the best poster. 

 * (note the precise wording)

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@bbbest55 I feel the same with you regarding this, that the player should be absolutely informed all along the process.

But even this is complicated due to casino regulations set out by the UKGC.

It is hard to explain in a way that will make sense but there is a reason why casinos can not be absolutely open and transparent in this regard and it is all due to the UKGC and other licencing body regulations.

Here is an example:

The casino has a transaction over one of the set amounts that triggers additional verification, anti money laundering checks and fraud checks.

They can't tell the customer they are doing and anti money laundering check and a fraud check as, if the customer is money laundering or committing fraud, telling them they are investigating them might prompt them to change the way they go about their money laundering/fraud and then the casino is in the position where they have tipped the customer off. This will result in not just a fine for the casino but possible imprisonment and loss of licence as it is a criminal offence.

They casino just tells the customer that they are performing extra checks and then doesn't give any additional information because, how else can they do it without running the risk of tipping the customer off and committing a criminal offense?

I know it is horrible for the customer as the majority of the time the customer has done nothing wrong. The casino has a blanket silence approach because if the casino tips off just one person who is up to no good then it can be game over for them.

There is a lot of red tape in casino businesses that players are unaware of, I know it is unfair to a regular player.

Casinos won't tell you anything until they have cleared you. Until they have cleared you they will lie to you to get you to send them what they need to clear you.

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im sorry guys i dont mean to cause any issues between anyone my only aim is to get my money that i won fair and square while also trying to understand the process of withdrawal limits and fellow players because im so new to all of this.

winning 26k is a massive amount so im excited and nervous and all these emotions happening at one and i appreciate all of the help and opinions of everyone im reading everything and taking it all in so thank you everyone for your input.

@lukisss77is not my husband lol i have no idea who it is but i appreciate their help.

i hope this case has a good outcome and i get my money sorted soon. i just got to be patient and stay calm and do everything by the books like i have been doing. i will update again once i hear something back that is worthy to post. again thank you everyone for your comments.

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Like most people are saying, don't worry about this one. (easy to say) 

I don't like Casumo but they are reputable and it wouldn't be worth their time trying to con people. 

Just stay calm and do what they say, it's cash and not bonus money for wagering so they are obliged to pay. 

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Online gambling shouldn't be any different then walking into the bookies for a flutter imo.

Proof of age should only require a photo of birth certificate. Not everyone has or needs a passport and driving licence etc.

Proof of address is kind of irrelevant now that deposit bonuses have been stopped. They can see IP addresses anyway.

As far as money laundering goes, if you're not depositing vast amounts and wagering very little before withdrawing then you shouldn't be subjected to any checks.

Casino's should be able to do every check they need electronically and the player should be free to have fun without administration wars tbf.

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the money got rejected i received an email from them saying that my withdrawal has been rejected and the money has been returned to my casumo account which is locked.

apparently aftr me sending 2 benfactor letters and 2 months worth of bank statements and countless bills and id and proof of address that they now want to know every detail of my bank account since its been open which is 4 years

they said that they need to know every time my husband has put money into my bank account and what ive spent it on and on what days like seriously that cant be serious all that other stuff isnt concerned to this money im not a problem gambler i literally gamble maybe once a month but surely asking for 4 years worth of transactions is bad

even after being told me several team memebrs that my documents have been verified and that my money is coming and that i dont need to send anything else in now i feel like im being punished for winning. its sad to see a casino go down this route of not paying because i gurantee if i had deposited 26k they wouldnt of blinked a eye at it. im very upset now and dont know what else i can send in

plus even if i do send stuff in i cant get into my account to withdraw the money again because its locked and they wont open it until i can prove these things so what do i do ?

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discusting behavor. so what if u where a problemgambler? Are they not alowed to win? All this industry is builded by problemgamblers. it was not the winner ho built las vegas😅.. Is there not a autohority u can contact? How can it be legal for a casino ta request all your information 4 years back. im so glad i dont play at the criminals Casumo. they are and behaving like criminals. a bunch of theifs....

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23. Complaints and Dispute Resolution Procedure

23.1. We will try and solve any complaint you many have directly. Should you wish to make any complaint regarding our services, you can contact us via email or live chat as set out in Section 27 below. We will acknowledge all complaints within 24 hours of receipt. 

23.2. Complaints are handled in our support department and are escalated in the organisation of Casumo in cases where the support personnel do not solve the case immediately.

23.3. In the first instance, we will try to resolve the complaint to the satisfaction of both parties as soon as reasonably possible and no later than eight weeks from receiving your complaint.  Should this not be possible we will contact you to explain why and provide a date by which you can expect a full response.

23.4. If you are not satisfied with the resolution of your complaint/claim and/or your complaint is not resolved to your satisfaction within eight weeks of receiving the complaint, you may report your complaint to the alternative dispute resolution organisation eCOGRA. eCOGRA is a third party organisation which offers independent adjudication in relation to betting and gaming disputes. You may file your complaint by clicking on this link and filling out the dispute form.

23.5. Alternatively, you may direct your complaint to the European Commission’s Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) Platform, which will then forward it on to the relevant ADR entity.

23.6. The nominated ADR entity will act as an impartial adjudicator on disputes that arise between us and you only when:

a) you have made every reasonable effort possible to resolve the dispute before speaking to them – in practice this means that you should go through our own internal customer complaint process (set out above in this Section) before referring the matter to ADR; and

b) a deadlock regarding the resolution exists.




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You need to contact them and make a formal complaint.

Make sure you say something along the lines of "This letter is a formal complaint" so there can be no doubt as to its intentions.

Say what happened regarding your play.

Say how you have been told different things by different people.

Say you have supplied them with everything they have asked for.

Say you are married and don't see why they are punishing you for this. 

Tell them their demands are excessive.

Tell them of your playing habits (infrequent/for fun)

Tell them of the undue stress they are causing you and any negative effect that may be having on your wellbeing.

Tell them the only outcome you will be happy with (payment in full)



By their own T&C they have 24 hours to acknowledge your formal complaint and 8 weeks to give you a final answer after acknowledging your complaint.

I suggest doing everything by email so you have copies of everything received and sent.

Use this email address:


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Casumo is a joke anyway, would never recommend anyone to play on that rubbish site when there are better alternatives. Just look at how hard they are trying not to pay someone who is obviously not a frequent gambler. People can defend them and shout regulations, money laundering but we can all see those are just bullshit especially against a customer that didn't hit the deposit trigger and doesn't gamble frequently. In the recent year or two (they used to be good) they are the only ones i've heard many bad things about in regards to SOW, no other casino or bookie comes close.


If anyone reading still wants to play on this, be prepared for some absurd requests such as 4 years bank statement from your friend that sent you 15 euros to pay for the lunch you paid first and also a notarized letter of verification from him that the 15 euros was for lunch payment.. even then it might not be enough :)

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honestly im going to put in a complaint but i just feel so deflated its horrible this should be a happy time for me and my family but these checks and being lied to and everything else is o stressful

i told casumo that i was putting in a formal complaint and there response was "well if thats the road you want to go down then do as you see fit" like seriously what kind of messed up response is that.

i worked out ive spent £640 on casumo on two years but i got no questions asked i was allowed to put tht in but now i want to withdraw 26ki im being made to feel like im doing something wrong.

i also got told that they want bank statements from me for them two years i put the £640 in the confirm everything i have bought and every transaction ive made on my bank accounts like how is me buying food shopping in march really going tell them what they need to know 7 months later in november to when i won

i dont even use one of my bank accounts anymore because i switched to another bank but casumo have told me to contact the bank because they want statements of when i put money into my account

im seriously considering contacting the fraud team because they are asking for way too much information, dont they realise there was a pandemic and circumstances change its a joke and its stressing me out

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