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Rail road-JUST PLAYING FOR FUN BUT AL POST IT, it was 374 x in the end.

Craig smith

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Was passing time this morning and was playing rail road, it was just  (playing for fun) on my phone, but i had to post the nice bonus i got. It finished 374x on a £1 stake. 1 retrigger plus couple of nice expansion wilds with the trains.. Pictures below.  I didnt catch the final winning amount but it was 374x. Was great fun. It took 500 spins for it to kick into action. I was playing 50p for 300 spins. Payouts arnt huge but it can at times bounce the trains in.☺. My re trigger was 3 cactases which gave me 16 xtra spins instead of the usual 12 if you get 2 cactases in the bonus. (Just playing for fun folks)





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@Nicola yip theres alot of small wins during the game rounds nicola.and it can throw out awful bonuses. This was on £1 stake and the trains came in and expanded to cover the reel which makes the bonus. They are wilds. Also depends what symbol you get with them and a full screen of trains is possible.. I was just passing time this morning and decided to have some fun.☺.

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