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Battle vs russian viewbots, Twitch finally helping


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Hi everyone, 

Today I bring some very good news. Ever since I decided to real get involved in the slot community I noticed that the Casino section of Twitch was full of fake streamers with ALOT of viewbots, shady casino links and fake content showing only high winnings, most of them are for Russia. Personally I think it gives a wrong perception of the genuine casino streamers and all who love to play and watch slots. Also it makes it hard for up and coming streamers like myself to build a community being outviewed by these fake channels. 

So just like some of you already have done in the past I started to reporting these guys. As a partnered streamer of Twitch I contacted my Twitch help contact and asked them if anything could be done. They said that I was on the right track and that I could only report them and that admins would take care of the rest. Nothing really happened so I decided to monitor these fake channels since the beginning of January. Two days ago I send a mail to pretty much every Twitch support email I could find with an overview of fake channels I have seen these past two months. 

Did not get an email back but it since yesterday something has changed in the Casino Section. The channels I reported are now completely gone! The two biggest ones azart and lowka are no longer around. Some goes for a few others I reported, making the Casino section a bit cleaner.

It does not stop here though, the good news is that Twitch finally got rid of some of the spammers, but I already see clones popping up plus a few streamers still around who I did not report in my mail. 

In order to keep the Casino section clean we need to join forces and stand up against these scammers. Me myself will keep reporting the viewbotting channel. You can easily identify them by checking the numbers showing as viewers compared to the viewer's name list in the channel. Also if the chat on the stream does not match with the Twitch chat it is alos a sign of viewbotting. Most of them share tons of casino links in the profile without giving any information about themselfs and another tell is no mods just streamer plus nightbot. 

I will keep report them everyday I see them. Click on the rightbottom of the channel in the main channel of the Casino section to report and report as scam stating viewbotting. Think once per month I will send an overview of the ones I see spamming the section the most. 

In short my fellow slot enthusiasts Twitch is finally taking care and join me in the fight to keep the Casino section clean and a safe place for people to hang out and chill. Also if you have any suggestions or want to help out, just comment below or send me a dm. 


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I will keep this post updated by reporting the malicous russian streamers here. You can help the community and me out by reporting them as well. 

Overview of current russian malacious streamers:

  • Twitch.tv/wagerd - 24/7 viewbotting streamer from russia, part of the Ludomania (he has this title on the streamlayout in russian) group. Has chat on his layout but does not match Twitch chat. Average total of viewers 500 or more. Profile only shows link to casino's, most russian viewbotting streamers have links to the same casino links. 
  • Twitch.tv/USSRcasino - not always online but also viewbotting. Average viewers varies from 300 - 1000. Had chat on stream which does not always matches Twitch chat. Viewer total does not match viewer names list. Profile only contains 22 casino links. 
  • Twitch.tv/wildov - 24/7 viewbotting streamer. Has chat on stream does not match Twitch chat activity. Average 200-300 viewers. Twitch chat show less than 30 viewers. Streamer himself is not in chat only Nightbot. Profile contains only links to casino, same as Twitch.tv/wagerd
  • Twitch.tv/ldjob - 24/7 viewbotting streamer. Stream chat does not match Twitch chat. Bots are in viewernames channel. Profile only has casino links, same as the other ones.
  • Twitch.tv/ludomaniya888 - clone of twitch.tv/wagerd has the ludomania title in his streamlayout and also shows the same guy being live simultaniously. No viewbots but always at the bottom of the casino section, prob there already in case the top one gets banned. Profile contains only casino links. 
  • Twitch.tv/top_zanoss - clone of twitch.tv/wagerd has the ludomania title in his streamlayout and also shows the same guy being live simultaniously. No viewbots but always at the bottom of the casino section, prob there already in case the top one gets banned. Profile contains only casino links. 
  • Twitch.tv/Santa0089 - clone of twitch.tv/wagerd has the ludomania title in his streamlayout and also shows the same guy being live simultaniously. No viewbots but always at the bottom of the casino section, prob there already in case the top one gets banned. Profile contains only casino links. 

To report follow this link https://help.twitch.tv/customer/portal/articles/725568-how-to-file-a-report


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