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15 pinks reactoonz (10 euro bet)


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So i was feeling quite stupid, and decided to throw the last bit of money in my account at reactoonz on 10 euro spins, which is quite insane for me, as i usually play anywhere between 0,20 - 2 euro stakes. After about 20 spins i got 2 implosion bars filled up, and a 3rd one on the way, and i started freaking out cause it was surely going to be a Garga, then the final bar before garga was an incision and i was sitting there begging the game to give me pinks with the incision. Then it actually happened and it managed to connect 15 of them up. This is by far my biggest win ever and i most likely won't ever top this as i don't see myself ever going back to these stakes. Cashed out 8,5k and going to play with the rest on regular stakes to calm myself down a bit 

Edit: Added the video to the post instead of the screenshot


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