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I got Scammed. *Read*


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Im posting this because im feeling really scammed and cheated. I sign up an account op Spinrider.com.
Everthing was fine at that moment. I Deposit 100 Euro with Skrill with a welcome Bonus for 200% + 50 Freespins.( I recieved the welcome bonus 200% + the freespins)
I joined Live chat ( Before Playing ). I asked if everything was fine and how much the Maxbet was. They explained me that 5€$ Maxbet, and that everything looks good. + i needed to wager the freespins aswell if i used it.

So i started playing with €300,- Long story short. I completed the wager (€10,500) And had a RAW balance left € 4,000,-. I joined live chat again to let them confirm if the wager was done completely and they said yes, everything looks good and congrats on the winnings.
Played some more Slot's and some Live tables for a bit. I ended up with €9,500,- euro balance. I decided that i needed to cash out. So i withdraw €5,000 and left €4,500,- on my balance. 

Few hours later i logged in Spinrider again, saw that my balance was €100,-. Im freaking out at that moment so i joined Live chat straight away. They said u commit fraud with using Skrill for a welcome Bonus. I was upset and had allot of mixed feelings about it.
I needed to get that Email so joined Live chat again. Same person who said that i commit fraud. So i sended a mail with my story to Complaint@spinrider. ( Dindt get any reaction so far ) now 3/4 days further.

So i was still in live chat with that person. And i said also If u don't allow players who uses Skrill to get a Welcome bonus , why is there a option when u select Skrill with that welcome bonus. They provided me with the welcomeBonus with Skrill. Also i joined Live chat before i played anything yet and they confirmed me that everything was fine.
They can see everything so they also can tell me that im using Skrill?? And that im not allowed to play with the welcome bonus. They dindt say anything about that.
His only respond was : If u made that much money with €300,- u can make it again with the €100,- u have now on ur balance. I was furious! 

How can a Support member say that to any player!? The system knew i used Skrill. But still Provided me with the Bonus. I dindt broke any rule about Maxbet or something. I completed everything, I joined Live Chat BEFORE i played, And again when i was done with the wagering. Both times they said everything was fine.
Now u can tell me that i needed to look at the Terms, But if u use skrill and u don't get a warning or the bonus isn't visible. Then i can join Live chat to ask why i can't get a bonus.

Im really upset and im feeling really cheated. They could told me that before i even start playing in Live chat, when i joined them right afther i signup a account. They dind't and now im the bad guy!?



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It is good that you are speaking out about it and sharing with other people what is going on, and yes it is wrong that they said everything is fine and ok for you to play, and then to be told no that is not the case and then being spoken to the way you was, something is not right there with that, and i really hope this gets sorted for you 

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Once again Blame licence for allowing the casino to have a risk free if you lose they win if you win they win by keeping your winnings a win win because the licence allow the casinos to let you take a bonus on skrill and the casino knows instantly that you took bonus with skrill they dont stop you in stand the big shady scam here they say to them selfs lets just wait to see if he loses his money then we dont have to tell this poor individual

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How can licence even allow casino to do this the player should automatically be given this win it's the casino scam they allow the deposit the casino knows instantly that you took the welcome bonus with skrill ofcourse they do, but here's where they shady bit comes into play they will not put there hand out and say excuse me madam' sir but you cant continue to play and risk your money, they wait until you win' to say oh sorry your broke terms, but they could of stopped that person why dont they stop us depositing via skrill or block it! we all know why sick.

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Hi Hknnijmegen

First off all we are very sorry for what happen to your account at Spinrider. 
In this matter we have tried to contact the affiliate manager for Spinrider. 

The affiliate manager told us that she would forward this matter to the support department.
This afternoon we asked about the progression about this matter and this is the answer we got back from them. 

"as I’ve said yesterday I can’t guarantee any progress on this as I am not involved with players. Please keep in touch with the support team"

We made contact with the "Support team" asking about this matter and they where not willing to talk with due to privacy reasons. 

We really hope Spinrider is willing to solve this matter with you as soon as possible. 
Due to having hard time's for us to contact them we took down all the affiliate links for Ivy affiliates on our website. 

Again we apologize in regarding this matter and hope it gets all sorted out for you soon. 

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Thanks everyone for your opinion on this so farr. Still i dind't recieve any reaction from the Complaint team from Spinrider. Looks like they just don't care if a costumer on there site overcome something.
Afther the fact that i don't get any money they just took away. Im still feeling horrible. Also what some people say what i also mean is, they just allow Skrill users to use the bonus.
For sure u can manage with there system if a Paymethod Can or cannot provide a bonus. On there side they did provide me with that. I am not the only one to blame in this case. I had contact several times with the Help Support.
Aslong they say everything is fine. How can u know that u commit fraud on anything? Before joining U need to provide ur details to them. They can look into ur account straight away.

Hope that other player's dont gonna get in this same situation because im feeling sick about it.
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I stopped using skrill a year ago because of these issues. Generally the bonus was denied upon depositing though, so this is pretty fishy?

If the casino doesn't resolve this in your favor, complain to the MGA as well. Especially add the transcript of the CS idiot suggesting if you won before there's no problem winning again. I'm not very hopeful with the MGA but try everything.

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@LetsGiveItASpin I hope not that it's a dead end. Im seriously sick about thise whole thing


No updates yet so farr. I joined there live chat onces a day for any update's. Everytime i hear the same thing. That my complaint is with the team. And that i must have patience. It can take +- 30 day's before they will handle my case they said.

I also asked for old chat log's 2 day's ago. And also that was sent to the right department. But i dind't recieved the old chat log's. So i don't know what they are doing but its really frustrating.

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