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Craig smith

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Status Updates posted by Craig smith

  1. Came back today sat june 2 nd and although still feeling a bit poorly i went ahead and did alot of commenting on a lot of good wins.

    On friday the 1 st of june i was very poorly. Up early and i was sick most of the morning. It gets to that point whare i could not bring anything else up.

    I felt awful and i think i had a bad stomach bug. Thats me done for today.

    Its door locked. Headphones on and i will sit and watch films till late. 

    Still a bit tender in the stomach so will not be eating a lot. Hope there are some big winners tonight.

    Today i think the best video/win goes to mario. Supersmask for his brilliant run on book of dead. Was a lota fun.?.

    Craig smith

    2 nd june 2018.

  2. Day 10 of fighting depression. Yesterday day 9 i was on the site and did 3 comments then a horrible feeling came across me and i stopped and logged out. I did not return.

    I felt fear and just stopped. The rest of the day i did not enjoy. That was day 9. Terrible day.

    Today day 10 i have the most positive feeling at the moment and this is the best i have felt since starting to fight depression.

    Im going to meet my support worker later but i have been super active on the site this morning. I have felt good.

    Im am still feeling good so i will ride this wave as long as i can.

    My comments today i think whitey's win of 4100 odd euro on white rabbit from his last 100 euro bonus buy was amazing. Well done @Whitey.

    I see huggehugg is following me now. Thankyou @Huggehugg.

    Yuzufruits hit a beautiful 3 k win on reactoonz from a 2 euro bet. Awesome win.

    Day 10 in my fight with depression.

    Casinogrounds is helping so much. I do not have much help from elsewhare. You guys are amazing.❤❤.

    Craig smith 6/8/2018.

    1. Huggehugg


      You are amazing ❤️

  3. Day 11 of fighting depression. 

    Very tired today. Really cant be bothered with anything. I woke up really early and fell back asleep.

    I logged into casinogrounds and commented on 3 wins. 

    Dani's win of 39 k on queen of riches is awesome. From a 2 dollar bet. 

    Day 11 and i am on the overall picture a bit better than i was a week ago.

    Its a continuing fight that i will not give in. 

    Casinogrounds just being thare is stopping me relapsing into a hole again.

    Craig smith 7/8/2018.❤.

    1. LetsGiveItASpin


      Top man Craig, so sorry to hear about your illness, I'm however confident you're strong and will not let the demons in your head win. If you need anything I'm always here mate ❤️ 

    2. sirbuzzk


      Good to hear you are fighting Craig Smith! 

      I look forward to see more of your positivity on Casinogrounds

  4. Day 15 fighting depression.

    On new medication which i have just started taking.

    Feeling better but been on the toilet a lot this morning. I even feel better for that.

    My mind is active now as oppose to a while ago whare i only lifted my head because mark ( @BTGKinG) got in touch with me.

    I am on a steady rise and that key saying a day at a time is whats working, along with the amazing support from people here at casinogrounds.

    I will stay the course of my medication.

    Im active on the site. I cant thank the support enough. Im moving in the right direction.

    Im also concious not to relapse and undo all the work i have done upto now.

    Day at a time and all the tools are in place to see me through this. I remember what @sirbuzzk said to me in a private message and i have never forgotton it.

    I do hope my depression is a quick turnaround. Life has that kind of way about it. 

    Ive taken alot of little pieces of things people have said to me in support and in helping me. Taking little pieces of advice, words, sentences, anything that will help.

    And im moving forward. Steadily. I do hope some day to sit and have a coffee with members/players from casinogrounds.

    To somehow say thankyou.❤.

    Day 15 on my fight. (Better)

    Craig smith❤.


  5. Day 16 fighting depression. 

    Not as good as i felt yesterday but im active on the forum.

    Commented on some good wins. Welcomed a new member in and wished good luck to a slot streamer who is stopping streaming/gambling.

    Everyday im fighting and i think i will get through this. I remember what mark ( BTGking said to me and depression can be 1 step forward and 2 back. 

    A steady day at a time. Thats what im doing. 

    Love to all❤

    The fight goes on.

    Craig smith 12/8/2018.

  6. Day 17 fighting depression.

    Things are getting better all the time. Im taking 2 good days forward and 1 back. To look at it that way.

    I do feel better. Things are slowly turning for the better. Not through it yet but definately feeling better.

    Its nowhare near as bad as i felt over 2 weeks ago.

    I continue to fight depression and be active on the forum.


    ❤To all.

    Craig smith.

    1. BTGKinG


      Reading every update every time you post them. Keep on fighting my friend, so happy to hear that it is going in the right dirrection

    2. Craig smith

      Craig smith

      Thanks Mark @BTGKinG. If you had not got in touch I would still be buried with my head lying low. Thinking all sorts. I'm really on the road to recovery. I'm on medication, I'm active on the site, I am feeling better, it's 2 steps forward and 1 back. Things are going well my friend. I am conscious to try and not relapse backwards. Also I'm keeping the members upto date on daily status updates. It's going in the right direction mark. Am getting there. 

      Again thankyou for the support. ❤️

      Craig Smith. 13/8/2018, day 17 fighting depression. 

  7. Day 18 fighting depression, 

    Things were a bit weird today, I was up at 4 am on the toilet and kinda been back and forward for a few hours. I eventually settled and was woken up by the postman knocking on the door. This was at 10 am. 

    It's weird because I was shocked into waking up today and reacted straight away. I could hardly speak to the postman but mumble thankyou. Because I sleep with a gum guard in. I grind my teeth so I am using a gum guard. 

    I feel not to bad. My mind is in a different state being shocked up. 

    This is Tuesday 14th August 2018 and I have been active on the site. I have done what I can and I will say today is a good day up until now. 

    Day 18 fighting depression and I'm slowly beating it. I feel it. 

    An incredible run of wins from @Radom on the forum. Awesome. Some real crackers in there. 

    Love to all. ❤️

    Craig Smith. 

    1. sirbuzzk


      Good to hear its going forward! :):)

  8. Day 19 fighting depression, 

    Went to bed late and got up early. Do not feel as good as yesterday morning.

    I have been active on the site and did what i felt was enough. Just catching up to whare i think i should be.

    Im getting support today. I have such a busy day. Probably part of the reason im up early.

    But not feeling as good as yesterday. I will keep going forward though. The fight continues.

    I will not give in now im up and fighting depression. 

    Day 19. Not so good today.


    Craig smith.

  9. Day 22 living with depression. 


    Feel terrible. 

    Logged in and tried to do a bit. My heart was not in commenting today. But I felt I had to try and help superfrenchy with his slot bug problem. 

    I'm dipping again, relapsing backwards. I have not tried to fight depression since the middle of the week. 

    Again I think the only healer will be time. I have medication. Support. But I am not putting any time line on when I will come out of my depression. 

    I have no idea how long I will be like I am. 

    It's like having someone stand on my head, my head feels like a heavy stone, and trying to enjoy anything is so hard. Cannot be bothered with much. 

    I was doing OK and I felt I was picking up, but I relapsed and I no I was thinking I was going to be rid of it quickly. And it has hit back. 

    Time will be the healer. I am accepting that. 

    Craig smith


  10. Day 23 living with depression. 


    Today I am a bit better. I watched a lot of huggehugg's stream today and it gave me focus, which gave me more relaxation, which allowed me to enjoy hugge's stream. 

    I have maybe found something in if I can catch casinogrounds streamers streams it may help me to focus and relax. And overall help my depression. I cannot comment on twitch but that does not bother me. I am going to try this way of visual therapy in watching streams when I can. And I will see how it goes. 

    So yeah a bit better today. Maybe found something I can use to help me. 

    I will try and catch streams as much as I can. 

    My heart is not 100 percent into commenting yet but from today I will slowly build again. The mind is such a tricky thing to overcome when it is not playing nice. 

    Work in progress. 

    Day 23,

    Craig Smith. 

    1. BTGKinG


      i can also recommend supersmasks stream, usually very funny to watch. He gonna stream tommorrow morning friday 24th august i hope to see you there. I am you tube on youtube ?

  11. Good day today. Things are looking up. A bit brighter. Got some hope in my life. An idea for the future. Its weird how the brain of a gambler works. I view a lot of things from a betting perspective. An old friend gave me a tip years ago. Talking 17 years ago and he was right. Thats kinda whare my hope is coming from. Linked into the deep person that i am and the way i am health wise. I have to try and adjust to work to what strenths i have. Rome was not built in a day. I will leave it thare and hop off to bed. Very active day on the site. Lots of super wins today. Plenty of commenting. Little landmark to in reaching 800 points on the overall points table. 58 days won. I do take pride init. Some days are a struggle but i do what i can.

    Craig smith. 8 th july 2018. 

    Five and a half months to go. And 7 months to go for something else i have in the pipeline for next year.

  12. Had one of those days today on casinogrounds. I took a day off from commenting and came back to a mountain of comments in big wins.

    I actually feel today like i have achieved something. Got that yip i have done 4 hours non stop commenting.

    And as i was working through them more pop up and more. Its great though because PEOPLE ARE WINNING. ??.

    Anyway i got through all the wins. Some crackers to. I was happy to see boracic lint get a cashout of £620 from a £20 deposit. Nice to see. Because i no he will be buzzing today.

    Time to put the feet up after a hard day and watch the champions league final. ????.

  13. Having a nice time today. Very chilled at home which is nice + i will savour it. Have to savour the good days.

      playing demo on slots, free play. Commenting on some amazing wins on casinogrounds which is good to see, players winning.

    Im playing dragons treasure on fun play. I will watch a couple of dvd"s later.

    Got a pizza for my dinner tonight. Yip ticked off as a good day. I just felt like commenting.


  14. Hello all my friends, i have not been active on the forum since tuesday 7/8/2018.  Day 11.

    This is day 14 fighting depression, 10 th august 2018 and yesterday i was seeing about a treatment to help me.

    I am ok at the moment and i feel inside me things are starting to turn. But it is a process i will take a day at a time.

    I am on the road to recovery i feel now. Things are looking better.

    Anyway i wanted to share that with you. Let you all no how i am doing. When my depression lifts i will be back to being me. Still have chronic anxiety but that to me is so much better than this horrible depression. I have been controlling my anxiety for years. The depression is like someone standing on my head constantly.

    Now with this treatment i am on i have started to fight the depression backwards and im hoping it will lift sooner rather than later.

    Things are looking up members/players. Without casinogrounds who no's what i may have done or whare i would be.

    Very impressed with @jankkee win on legend of the pharoah's big bets. Over 4000 euro's jankkee won.

    And @SuperSmask getting out of jail on knights life. Last spin of the bonus made it and smask saved the day with an 810 euro win.

    Day 14 on the fight. (Better)


    Craig smith.


    1. jankkee


      Stay strong man and hoping you are getting to feel much better soon hopefully! I get really happy every time I got a comment from you here on the forum , u'r a genuine nice guy and I don't think I am the only one here thinking that! :)

  15. Hi all to players/members. Day 18 fighting depression. 

    I have kinda hung around today on and off the site. 

    It's a good sign because my intentions are thinking about my players and them winning. 

    Comments to be made. But also some general chat with a couple of members. 

    This is like a side note to my original day 18 update. 

    Craig Smith. 

  16. Hi all. This is day 3 fighting my depression. The support is amazing and you guys are just the best.

    Im ticking the good days off on my calendar. I will stay as active as i can on the site.

    Day 4 tommorow. I will see what it brings. 

    Craig smith. 30 th july 2018.

    1. BTGKinG


      i have just returned home from italy a few hours ago, and this is so nice so read this. Keep on fighting, we are here for you. 

  17. Hi everybody. Craig here. I want to write some of my thoughts down because i want to basically.

    I am fighting the urge to gamble until christmas time but it is difficult. 

    I am also torn between 2 lives. The one my family would like me to live and the one i want to live.

    I have been reading alot and watching alot about vietnam to escape. The war is escapasism for me.

    I am trying to maintain commenting on players wins in casinogrounds but my mind is elsewhare.

    Part of me would like to be a golfer again but circumstances play a massive part in trying to make that happen. There are so many obstacles and problems to try and overcome to become a regular golfer again.

    Gambling provides such an escape and gives tremendous focus. Part of me wants to be in that world and i wish i had done it years ago. Now as sore as it is to say this i need help in getting into it.  I no what to do but i do not think i have the courage to do it.

    The years tick by and age becomes a factor. At 40 i dont no what to do so i just go along day to day hoping for a miracle. My health is a blockade and managing it is hard.

    At times i think im a unique case and i am just one of those people who slipped through the net in that i will suffer and suffer with so much potential and it will be to late before i attempt something. 

    In my mind i think i may be one of those tradgic cases in life. I may think into it to much but my mind works in mysterious ways. 

    I am one of the most pleasant people anybody could meet. I just wish people that do no me or get to no me actually listen to the depth of my pain. And maybe something will happen that i have not seen yet and i can rise up and start again.

    But when. ?

    Craig smith.

  18. Hi everyone at casinogrounds. I have not been well for a good while now but i have managed to come back today saturday 28 th july 2018 and start again working my way through the wins. Back to commenting. I have seen some beautiful wins today and its good to see players winning. I hope all members are doing ok and i will continue to fight my depression. I found it nice that a member of casinogrounds BTGking realized i had not been on the site for a while and he e mailed me a very pleasant e mail asking if i was ok. It shows there are people out thare that really do care. I hope someday to visit denmark and have a coffee with BTGking. 

    Overall im as upto date as i can be and i will continue to fight depression and continue to keep posting comments on my players wins. 

    Thankyou. Craig smith.

    1. BTGKinG


      Hi Craig, 

      I am sure i was not the only one who were worried about you. Like i wrote to you i was worried but also scared to intrude your privacy. Seing the message that you feel better, made my day so much better. Take care my friend

    2. Craig smith

      Craig smith

      Thankyou mark for helping me focus and although im fighting depression i have had a really positive day. our conversation through e mail did help me. It made me think different.  A day at a time and as i said time is the healer. I will come out of my depression at some point. I had to get my mind elsewhare and i have today on casinogrounds. I have just kept going commenting on players wins. Day at a time. I have a calendar and i am ticking off the good/bad days.

      Craig smith.

  19. Hi folks craig here. 

    Feeling a little better today. A lot calmer than i was yesterday. There was something that had really gotten into me yesterday and my mind ran on and on.

    Today a newday and a new plan going forward. Im just taking it a day at a time. Its impossible to continually think of future events and plan a route. Why ? Because there are far to many unforseen changes. 

    From now on its a day at a time and if i do good things the better things in life will come along. 

    I had to sit and have a real good chat with my support worker yesterday and it has really helped. 

    I notice in the slot world that other slots are being played which is nice to see. Its not all BTG at the moment although they will be back. It works in phases. 

    Im happy for huggehugg turning it around as he has been on a cold run. Roll on christmas because next year is going to be a far better year.

    Craig smith 3 / 7 / 2018.

    Goal- hit a wildline on D.O.A.


  20. Hi folks craig here. Feeling good today. Really hot whare i live at the moment. Been out today with my support worker and been to an important meeting.

    When i got home i sorted what i had to sort out and popped onto casinogrounds to see what was posted up. Been a lot of good wins past couple of days. Great run from swefjorod. Happy for him.

    The icing on the cake today was when i saw DCT had posted up a terminator 2 hotmode. I think its pure class of a bonus. 

    Anyway feeling better today fellow posters and slot players. If only i could bottle it up and keep it permenantly. Feeling good.

    I will enjoy the rest of my day and if kim reads this good luck to your sweden in the world cup. Brilliant chance for sweden or england. 

    Have a nice day everybody.

    Craig smith. Weds 4 th july 2018.  American independance day.

  21. Hi members, players. I am going to leave a message every day I am active on the site. I will leave a status update on my profile page. 

    Day 4 of fighting depression. Woke up today and made a cuppa tea. I took my medication and it's helped me relax. I have done well today on the CG site. There is no pressure today on me. All the pressure will be tomorrow.

    I have my support worker to help me tomorrow. 

    I am thinking off of something a member sirbuzzk said to me in a PM.  He explained how things like depression can turn around quickly. It was very helpful what he explained to me. 

    What I am doing is taking all of the little things that I pick up through members helping me. I will no when I start to come out of depression and when I do I will happily tell everyone on the CG site. 

    For now I am still fighting it and this is day 4.

    The member BTGking was the one who made me lift my head and start doing things again. I can't thank Mark enough because if he had not got in touch I would not have re engaged with the site. 

    Day 4 and OK upto now. I will update tonight. Thanks to all for there continued support. 


  22. Hi members. 

    Day 21 fighting depression.

    This is 17/8/2018.

    Felt not so good last time i was on the site. Which was the morning of weds 15th august.

    To be honest i could not be bothered one bit yesterday thursday 16 th august and i was drifting away from coming back to the site.

    Today the 17 th august i have logged in and done some comments. My mood is down.

    I am not 100 percent with it. I have relapsed a bit from the good work i was doing. 

    I think im going to have swings like this. And yeah the mood is down. I have tried to do a bit today. But letting you guys no how i am at the moment. 

    Still fighting depression. Relapsed a bit. Backwards. Just wanted to put a blanket over myself and do nothing..

    It tough going my friends. ❤.

    At least i have done something today. 

    Day 21 living with depression.

    Craig smith


  23. Hi members. This is day 6 of fighting depression and I'm feeling OK today.

    Yesterday which was weds 1 St August I had a terrible day and did not do anything on the site at all. That was day 5.

    I went to bed early and I have got up today feeling a bit better. Had a cuppa tea and took my medication. I have engaged with the site and made my rounds on the wins and left comments.

    Particularly impressed with Dannyr today. Just made his first post today and went on to make 4 very good win posts. 

    Anyway this is day 6 and the fight continues. Now that I have lifted my head and re engaged with the site I am trying my best to stay active. 

    I will not give in. 

    You guys are all great here at CG. ❤️

    Craig Smith 2nd August 2018.

  24. Hi members/players.

    Day 11 fighting depression side note update.

    After doing 3 comments this morning i have slept most of the day.

    Bit subdued this evening and i have logged on. Did 3 comments again. Massive win from kpamo on DHV for 8300 odd euro's from a 1.30 euro bet.

    I have asked Big time gaming official if he can take a look and. Maybe get kpamo a replay video of his win.

    Other than that its not been the best of days but i am happy enough whare my progress is after 11 days. Since i lifted my head.

    Love to all.❤.

    Craig smith.


  25. Hi members/players. 

    I tried to fight depression to quickly and it kicked me straight back down. 

    I have taken a stance in that I will recover when I recover. 

    There are no time lines or deadlines on my illness. It will go when it is ready. 

    I am taking a step back from the site because I have to. 

    I will recover and return. 

    I will miss all my players but my health comes first. 

    It's unreal what life can throw up at a person. But life is not easy. Us humans are made to battle and get through rough times. At some point the battle will end. 

    Love to all and I hope you all keep on winning. 

    An update, 

    Craig Smith 

    27/8/2018 ❤️

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SuperSmask


      Take care off yourself Craig. Come back stronger ?

    3. Huggehugg


      Take care bro ❤️ Been very busy with university so have not been as active as I wanted too

    4. Microsoftly


      Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.


      Stay strong! Life has ups and downs, talk about it with your friends or your family. And take your time, because this isn't a broken arm that can be fixed withing a few weeks.  This is something that takes time.

      Greetings, Micro


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