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  1. So just to be sure i understand it correct. If i get 8 spins from start, then there is 10% chance i will get 24 spins if i gamble all the way?
  2. @pausefisk also currious to hear what happend to the spammer (affliate)
  3. @LeoVegas_Support Happy to help. i am sorry i did not make it clear in my previous post, i am of course 100% sure this spam did not come directly from Leovegas. But this was just so bad for your reputation, spelling errors and false information "you still have money in your account 11000 kr. I think i would remember if i had 11000 kr in my account ?. The last message was almost written like a threat "this is your last warning claim your money now before it is to late" So when i saw the affliate link i thought i would share it so that the person does not make any money out of his/her scam. I have also given this information direct to leovegas in denmark. Thanks for the respons, make me happy that you take stuff like this serious.
  4. was in contact with live support today, and they gonna look closer into it. They were happy to get the link i send them, so they could track down who is behind it.
  5. i was just about to make a topic about this subject and saw this. I know when i get a sms from someone saying you have 11.000 kr (1100£) in your account click here to claim them, then it is 100% scam. The spelling is wrong, the last messege even said "this is your last warning, claim your 11000 kr now!" i know the most easy is to not click on the link. I dont know how this works, but i guess the must be some kind of affiliate to the get some money every time they get a person to sign up at leovegas. The link that i got after clicking in the sms i have put in this post, my hope is that leovegas can at least do so this person does not make any money out of it. Would love to hear from @LeoVegas_Support here is the link that i got, click at own risk. https://paladin.abeswaterfront.com/82ncdklv/indexsp.html https://www.leovegas.com/da-dk/opret?btag=659810_2DFDD36D92184002A66D62141CDEED64&session_id=13fe1bc2-8c5c-4933-a93c-2ccb173f6501&transaction_id=11327&traffic_id=c64e4672-f86f-4ad9-9935-f4af970a67ce&pid=3598111&bid=1466
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