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advice with exchage rate deposit/withdrawal


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I use mostly neteller when deposit/withdrawal to casinos. My neteller currency is in NOK, and i use NOK when playing slots. The exception is casumo that doesnt offer NOK, so i have to use euro.

I think casumo is great and offers a lot of slots and the reel races. If that had not been the case, i would never depoist there, because when i withdrawal i kind of "loose" a lot of cash caused by the exchange rate. I also wonder who sets the rate? casumo or neteller?

Let me give you an example:

18th of mars i did a deposit of €100

Beløp: 981.48 NOK
Valutakurs: 9.81479482

the same day i did a withdrawal of €1200 (but the withdrawal was done 19th, so 1 day later)

Transaksjonsbeløp:1200.00 EUR
Valutakurs: 9.15593244
Wallet-beløp: 10987.12 NOK

So the exchange rate takes over 1000 nok (€100) from me. When the slots finally doesn't rip me, the exchange rat is :P

If the exchange rat was the same (9,8) i wouldnt care, but the difference is soo high.

Any suggestions out there? is there anyway to get out of this in a more profitable way, or should i just stop deposit to casumo (and other not supporting NOK)?

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@pausefisk what i would say is wee all strive to win big. You had a lovely win 1200 euro's. But in withdrawing and the exchange rate you lose 100 euro's.  

Theres a case that dont play at casumo but why shudn't you if you enjoy there games. 

Wee dont play slots to lose so what im seeing is the higher the amount you win on casumo the more your going to pay back because its in euro's. Depending on the exchange rate that day.

The day later payment will be because of processing time and a day is pretty quick.

I think you have landed in a very unfortunate position paying back 100 euro. Being punished for having to play in euro's. Obviously if the exchange rate was lower then you would pay less but that is no comfort in regards to the question you have asked.

Regarding casumo they i would suspect will tell you im sorry but thats just the way it is for everybody unfortunately in your position. Theres nothing more wee can do. Im just speculating thare.

It also has a funny feeling of under handiedness in a way, the more you win the more fees you would pay depending on the exchange rate on the day your withdrawl gets processed. If you won 2000 euro you would be punished more. 

My opinion overall looking at the angles would be not to play at casumo which is a shame if you enjoy thare games because if you win, because it has to be converted to euro's you are going to lose money unless the euro is amazingly high at the time of withdrawl. 

A kind of unfortunate circumstances you have here with casumo. And unless they budge to change there policies on withdrawl conversion rates then nothing is going to change unfortunately. Ive tried to say what i think and it would be interesting to see what some of the others think on your question pausefisk.

It might end in not playing at casumo my friend. Craig. Good luck in the future.??. Although that final decision whare you play is entirelay up to you.

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4 hours ago, SuperSmask said:

@pausefisk how about creating a Skrill account with Euros? You would still face the problem when withdrawing though. So only sort of a semi solution.. Guess bank deposits don't work from Norway

Btw.. This is the exact reason I DONT play on Casumo.. Great site and all, but currency exchange is just a deal breaker. 

This is an excellent idea and Skrills withdrawal costs (although they have got higher recently) are much better than losing a fair few euros in the exchange process. Great idea SuperSmask.

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