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HannaSupport Agent

HannaRizk Customer Care

Scott Bairdhi

HannaGood Evening Scott

Scott Bairdwhy has my prrof af address been rejected again?

proof of*

HannaI will have a look one moment please

Scott Bairdyes do so

you have had my BT bill with address and my SKY bill with address

HannaI can see that your proof of address gor rejected due to the address is not showing

Scott Bairdyes it is

rizk bill proof.PNGrizk bill proof.PNG

HannaAnd the card ending on **6972 got rejected due to it was to blurry

Scott Bairdi not talking about that part

HannaSkype account is not a valid document

Scott Bairdmy address is clearly visible on the picture I just sent you

its not skype

HannaWe need to see this in a proof of address: - Proof of address – A recent utility bill, Tax form, bank statement or other government-issued bills. The document cannot be older than 3 months. Make sure that we can see the full A4 of the document (all four corners).

Scott Bairdits SKY

no no no

no no no

i use online billing not paper to save the trees

HannaI will send a message to out payment team who approves these one moment please and I will ask them to have a look on this again one moment please

Scott Bairdyes as I refuse to send anything else till the papers I have sent are accepted

my name and address are clearly visible on both bills I have sent

unless you are a blind monkey you really cant miss it

HannaI have sent them a message regarding the proof of address

Scott Bairdand I dont think RIZK employs blind monkeys

HannaSo just waiting for them to get back to me

Scott Bairdno can you ask them now?

HannaI have

I just sent them a message

Scott Bairdor someone higher up in the chain of command

HannaSo just waiting for them to get back

Scott Bairdi want this sorted now

its been too long

HannaYes I have sent to them

So if you just hold on untill they get back

Scott Bairdhow long till they reply?

HannaThey need to go into your account and checl


Scott Bairdcould you see my address on the picture I sent you there?

HannaYes I can see it but unfortunately it is not me who have acess to approve these

Scott Bairdaccepted

do you have better eyes than them?

if you can see it then so should they

so to say it isnt there is just a down right lie Read

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Hanna9:20 pmLast time the card was used ending on 3369 was on the 2017-12-20 01:36:04

9:21 pmYes address approved :9 Good thank you

Then it is only those 2 cards they need to get verified

Scott Bairdsorry ?

two cards

what cards have I used for this account?

Hannathey have asked for cards *6972, and **1169

So they need to get these 2 verified

Scott Bairdcant so the 1169 card

cant do* as the bank is too far away I live on an island

HannaUnfortunately, there is no way around this, Our licences demand that we have these documents verified, You have approved this when you created your account here under our terms and conditions So for you to be able to get your account verified you need to provide the documents needed

Scott Bairdare you certain that I used both cards on this actual account?

HannaSo these 2 cards are missing from your account to be verified! Yes I am. I am looking at your account and can see both of these cards

Scott Bairdas I was told I only need the other card verified

HannaNo you need both these cards!

Scott BairdI cant do that. its a 6 hour round trip to that bank

HannaLast time you used 6972 was on 2017-12-23 17:41:02 and the other card ending on 1169 eas last used on 2017-12-20 01:36:04

So that is what you need to upload at your account otherwise your account will not be verified and the system will block us from process your withdraw due to we need by law to verify this to be able to handle anymore withdraws from your account

This is stated in our terms and conditions which you have approved

So is there something else I can help you with this evening?

Scott BairdI cannot do the other card its impossible

we dont even have that card anymore

im not getting my wife to do a 6 hour round trip for £40

it cost way more than that in travel

HannaThen we need a document that is called 'proof of ownership'.
This is a document in which the bank states that you were the owner of the card. If you no longer have this card

Then you need to contact your bank so they can send you this document

Scott Bairdcan you please read what I said

HannaWe are not able to verify your account without this document unfortunately

Scott BairdI can get one for the first card as I have that bank on this islane

HannaYes I am reading but as I have told you there is no way around this!

Scott Bairdso what happens then?

HannaYour account will not be verified without this card

Scott Bairdokay it cant be verified

now what?

HannaThen we are not able to do anything until we have this card

Scott Bairdyou wont be getting the card

the first card yes the second no

HannaSo you need to contact your bank so they can provide you with a proof of ownership

Without that card we are not able to verify

Scott Bairdnope told you already its a six hour round trip

HannaThen your account will not be verified and as I said the system will not unlock until all cards are verified

So if there is not something else I can help you with I wish you a great evening

Scott Bairdno wait

what happens to MY money then?

you close my account and keep th emoney?

HannaNothing will happen until you have sent in all documents

To be able to process your withdraw you need to send in these 2 cards

Otherwise your account will be frozen until we get all documents needed

Scott Bairdwhy do you need proof of ownership of an old card when the new card is the same sort and account number?

HannaThis is something we are required by law to have so there is no way around this even if it means you have a 6 hours car ride. We can lose our license if we are not following the rules we have so there is no one who will let this go unfortunately

We need both card

Scott Bairdits not a car ride

HannaThere is no other way to say this!

Scott Bairdits a ferry ride

HannaYes it do not matter

Scott Bairdclose my account then

HannaOf course one moment. And then you will still need to send in this but via email just so you know

Scott Bairdsend what in?

im closing my account

HannaThe 2 cards to verify the account to get your withdraw processed

Scott Bairdim closing the account

keep the stupid money

i didnt want it

I just wanted to play

and I bet you would still allow me to deposit right now

HannaOkay I understand I have now closed your account, I am sorry that this have happened but we have rules to follow

No your account is closed so you are not able to make a deposit

Scott Bairdthieves

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I'm not really sure what you are trying to tell us by this post, except that you are acting really childish and a bit rude against the RIZK employee. She is obviously trying to tell you that in order to follow their casino license they need these documents verified, something you refuse to understand.

If your idea was to show us that RIZK has bad customer support or something, i'm sorry to inform you they did everything right.

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I'm sorry, but your attitude stinks towards the person who's ment to be helping you.....acting like that gets you nowhere in ANY situation.......all for £40.

At the end of the day, yes, you may live on an Island but you go through the same rules as everyone else.

All it took was for you to email or live chat your bank and get them to post or email a letter of proof of ownership in PDF form. Sorted.

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the bank already said that they dont have access to emails and can post proof of ownership letters.  my point was that the new card was from the same account as the old card and I dont see why they suddenly needed more id stuff seeing how I had done all this when I first joined rizk casino, I was already verified with these details, passport, utility and proof of address and finaly bank details, these where already completed. then they decided for no reason to ask for all these again. so yes I was mad as I had been trying to sort this out since mid december last year. I had resent them my sky, bt, gas, and electricity bill each time being rejected, I sent them the pictures of the cards that they wanted signed properly front and back, I lost my wallet a few weeks ago and told them this then they wanted proof of ownership of the lost cards despite being already sorted. so no I was not being childish I was being very positive.......

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42 minutes ago, slotsofun said:

I'm sorry, but your attitude stinks towards the person who's ment to be helping you.....acting like that gets you nowhere in ANY situation.......all for £40.

At the end of the day, yes, you may live on an Island but you go through the same rules as everyone else.

All it took was for you to email or live chat your bank and get them to post or email a letter of proof of ownership in PDF form. Sorted.

the bank said they dont have access to emails and cant send out letter from live chat, and yes it was £40 pounds that shouldn't matter. as I said I had already completed all the verification procedures when I joined rizk when it first opened. would you be happy if they decided to threaten your account down for no reason apart from using a new bank card from the same bank account?    what if it was for £100 or £200 or even £5000 bet you wouldnt be so happy then would you?

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Ok, mabye you should give us the whole story before you just pasted that chat here. Anyway, i think that (and this is in life general) the best way to get help from someone, is to keep a nice tone and act humble. If you explain the situations in an e-mail, and ask them to guide you in the right direction to get the needed documentations. If you lost a card, is there any other verification (from the bank) that can be accepted? I mean, you can ask them for help in a polite way, and if you do i'm sure you somehow can solve this issue. Is there a way you can get a verification that you have repported your old card as lost/stolen? Could that be enough proof for rizk?

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1 hour ago, pausefisk said:

Ok, mabye you should give us the whole story before you just pasted that chat here. Anyway, i think that (and this is in life general) the best way to get help from someone, is to keep a nice tone and act humble. If you explain the situations in an e-mail, and ask them to guide you in the right direction to get the needed documentations. If you lost a card, is there any other verification (from the bank) that can be accepted? I mean, you can ask them for help in a polite way, and if you do i'm sure you somehow can solve this issue. Is there a way you can get a verification that you have repported your old card as lost/stolen? Could that be enough proof for rizk?

totaly understand as thats what I had been doing since mid december.

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I would just like to add that I used Resolver to get a miserly £30 out of Mirror Bingo recently and it was sorted out within a couple of hours,others have remarked how good and quick they have found Resolver so maybe online members here may refer to it when having problems.I am in no way involved with Resolver,I just heard about them from others who complained how long winded using IBAS was when disputes occurred. I think they maybe only for the UK but not certain.

Just to refer to Rizk too.My daughter couldn't get her account verified as they wouldn't accept a 2017/18 council tax bill as proof of address so just didn't bother using them after that.

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