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Bonuses new rules coming into affect

Original Jase

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A YouTuber called dunover or dazza g has this information in screenshot below in his stream about bonuses being reduced to £50 max in the UK. I also have a link about bonuses (mainly no deposit and free stuff etc) and it doesn't look good for people who love bonuses, myself included. Here's the link https://www.journalism.co.uk/press-releases/no-deposit-casino-bonus-offers-decline-in-the-uk-due-to-tax-regulations-change/s66/a715509/ thoughts?


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its only gonna give incentives for the casinos that wanna stay in the UK to keep their players happy maybe the initial deposit bonuses wont be as good but still can see them offering deals to players who have already signed up.

as for the taxation rules so be it government can do what they want in regards to that

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