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Rizk is trying everything to hold my money (30€lol)


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First of all sorry for the bad spelling, I hope you get the story anyway. Im not here to get help recieving my money. This is just a story of how even big gaming companies can treat theire customers in any way they see fit.

To make a long story short. I played exclusively on Rizk for over 2 years. I made hundreds of deposits and withdraws and played for alot of money. Think my rizk level was over 500. In february I played with some friends and accidentaly clicked "ban 24 hours" så my account was locked for the day.

I wrote to the chat support what had happened and that i wanted them to transfer the remains of my balance (30€). The supportperson then asked me why I wanted to transfer such a small amount. I thought it was a funny question beucase its none of their business so I answered "I need the money to buy groceries" The support person then started arguing with me that I could have a gambling problem and they needed to investigate me beucase I play for money I need for food.

I just lost my temper and told her I dont care Investigate me or you can even ban me for life just transfer the 30€ to my account. Well that was that and they closed my account. When I wanted the remains of my account they suddenly wanted me to send in alot of documents, bank transfers etc. As I said before I had made hundreds of withdraws sometimes for 10-20k €.

Since I hadnt the time I just let it be and thought that I just let the money stay there until I have the energy to send the documents. The months went by and I hade forgot about it UNTIL today when I decided I didnt want them to have any of my money.

I started chatting with a manager and the first thing she says is that they transered my money in february when they closed my account. I told her thats not true. I didnt recive any transfer and If they can tell me when they made the so called transfer I can check my bank statements.

She then gets agressive and instead of answer the question tells me I should have contacted them months ago. I told her that they have everything documented so just send me a copy of the transfer, or tell me the date of the transfer so I can look it up myself.

She refues to do that and tells me If I want my money I have to send in complete banktransfers for every day from february up untill today so I can prove that I havent recieved any money. This is a complete joke and it would be next to impossible for me to do that. I think this is the worst kind of customer handling I have ever had in my entire life and I wonder If they can even demand this? Or am I just clueless of how the corrupt gamingcompanies can do just about anything they want?

Sorry for the long post just wanted to steam of... :)

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4 hours ago, Alleone said:

The supportperson then asked me why I wanted to transfer such a small amount. I thought it was a funny question beucase its none of their business so I answered "I need the money to buy groceries" 

What a funny answer i imagine the support agent laughed his ass off. And to the other points i don't see any proof of what you telling us.

Maybe they just make fun of you since you are such a funny person?

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20 minutes ago, Rexxor420 said:

What a funny answer i imagine the support agent laughed his ass off. And to the other points i don't see any proof of what you telling us.

Maybe they just make fun of you since you are such a funny person?

I don't see any proof of Rizk either, whats your point?

This guy is just telling his story, if everyone here would need to show proof you can close 90% of all topics.


OT; Anyways. It is weird they can't show you the details of the transfer, shouldn't be that hard for them to look up. If they would have looked at your earlier deposits/withdrawals a light should burn in the head of the customer employee. Asking a couple more questions would have been customer support and make them look/act professional. Making a conclusion based on 1 statement without looking further into it; just wow hahaha. Glad I don't live in a 3rd world country.


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49 minutes ago, Rexxor420 said:

What a funny answer i imagine the support agent laughed his ass off. And to the other points i don't see any proof of what you telling us.

Maybe they just make fun of you since you are such a funny person?

You obvioulsy dont get the point. Im not complaining that they wanted to investigate my gambling habits since the swedish government had just recently made big regulations regarding casino sites. I get that I have myself to blame for getting my account permanently locked.

The issue is that they LIE about transfering my funds and when i want to c the transfer details they cant provide it and force me to send in hundereds of documents regarding my bank transfers just to make it not worth the while. I have a copy of the chat with the support but its all in swedish so thats why I didnt post it.




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44 minutes ago, bigbetnoregret said:

I don't see any proof of Rizk either, whats your point?

This guy is just telling his story, if everyone here would need to show proof you can close 90% of all topics.

Oh yeah you are right i forgot that you have to proof being innocent...

My point is that he claims this:

5 hours ago, Alleone said:

"I started chatting with a manager and the first thing she says is that they transered my money in february when they closed my account. I told her thats not true. I didnt recive any transfer and If they can tell me when they made the so called transfer I can check my bank statements."

"She then gets agressive and instead of answer the question tells me I should have contacted them months ago. I told her that they have everything documented so just send me a copy of the transfer, or tell me the date of the transfer so I can look it up myself."

You don't have a screenshot of that conversation don't you or a chatlog sent to your email?

It's just hard to believe a casino with that reputation would make such a hassle about 30€


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19 minutes ago, Rexxor420 said:

Oh yeah you are right i forgot that you have to proof being innocent...

My point is that he claims this:

You don't have a screenshot of that conversation don't you or a chatlog sent to your email?

It's just hard to believe a casino with that reputation would make such a hassle about 30€


As I said above I have the chatlog but its all in swedish so I dont think it would do you any good but if anyones interested I can post it.

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7 hours ago, Rexxor420 said:

Oh yeah you are right i forgot that you have to proof being innocent...

My point is that he claims this:

You don't have a screenshot of that conversation don't you or a chatlog sent to your email?

It's just hard to believe a casino with that reputation would make such a hassle about 30€


That's what you were asking right ;) Seems he has a chatlog, let's see and wait :) Not everyone working at a customer support is capable, duh (While back I had 3 different answers from 3 different agents).

Not blaming anyone here, but I don't think either a casino would riszk their reputation. It is just hard for him to contact customer support and get a decent answer since they closed his account. Now they won't treat him as a customer anymore.

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