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Casinogrounds one big family!

Gambling should be fun and it is. But it can also cause problems for some people. Casinogrounds is designed to give us players the best deals we can find on trusted casinos. So we can eliminate one aspect of danger at least, dodgy casinos. And should there be a problem despite of that, we are all here to help each other out.
It was not long ago gambling was considered a bad thing, and it was illegal in many countries. Things look a little different now and the gambling market has exploded. Thats why CG is so important and we all need each other. We share the great times, pictures of winnings and such, and help each other out if anyone needs it. Staying in close contact with the casinos we promote is vital to us.
All feedback is good feedback, we all learn from each other the more casinogrounds grow the stronger we get, and can push for even better deals with the casinos. So dont be strangers, write about just anything that pops up in your head.
And we all have stories to tell good ones and sometimes bad ones, but we learn from all of them. So let´s share the knowledge we have and grow even bigger!
I smashed a few keyboards in my days, always because of rigged games ofc. Never because of pure bad luck NEVER ;)


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