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Reality Check Rips Extra Chilli Bonus


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Played on Cherry Casino yesterday and bought a 250 Euro Extra Chilli Bonus with around 600 Euro Balance...

as the spin (where the bonus lands) begins i get a Relity Check warning after which you have to reload the game.

Since then the game doesnt even really loads (screenshot attached) and the money is gone. 

Chat couldnt help and i got send a "formular" where I have to answer questions which do not really fit to my situation.


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i had a almost same problem but with another btg slot game white rabbit, i could not reload the game it just said error. I could not withdraw because they said i had a running bonus. Had to go through all the nonsense that of course did not work. I started telling them i had tried on three different browser, on both osx and windows. And also on mobile phone ios and android. The first thing they ask me was, have you tried another browser? So after about a week the game worked, game me a shit bonus and i had in the waiting time lost my balance.

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