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Rhino..... still capable of a bit base hit


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Well after having the wrose run of luck on Rhino bonuses for what seemed like ages 26 bonuses in a row either bonus guarantee or less than 10x I decided to put it on the banned list for a while. Thought I would give it a go this morning and although not a bonus.....this is a very nice hit in the basegame :) about 271x 


Rhino Base Hit .jpg

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@Euan750 beautiful picture euan. And an interesting back story.

It sounds like old raging rhino was playing super tight. But its come up with a cracker today euan.

Probably the base game is the only way you can get it to pay. If you got the bonus it would likely be 10 x or bonus guarentee again.

Good to see euan a really decent hit on the rhino. On a 1.20 stake winning £325.50.

The 3 rhino's on reel 6 is really worth gold.

Overall big congratz euan, im pleased you broke that terrible run. Enjoy the winnings.??.

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1 of my fav slots, every session I must play at least for couple spins. Good hit Pal. If that would happen during bonus round and those trees become x3 x3 it could be taste of 2.9k. + . Hope this game give you in future of what it own to you lad. GL

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