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Everything posted by SheWontBite

  1. It's unfair foe sure. I played one day and black stuck in for at least 20 min. We got to good multi to and then they cancelled. I was so angry I said never go back there 😂
  2. Alex I expected you say YOU 😂 But that.. Touché
  3. Not much of a choice in Ireland, but party casino is the one I use for a long time. No issues there with deposit and mostly with withdrawals.
  4. Was, tho not my favourite 😉 That is true, there's been many great people on stream, and many made us laugh. But I think the most laugh I had with drunk Ross and Christina, #freeross. I was literally crying from laugh. 😂
  5. That's Jamtastic man, congrats 😊👍
  6. Exactly, I consider myself lucky enough to stop myself. I can't t say it's easy, watching streams and seeing people big wins.... But in the end of the day I see other things I can spend that money on and this is what keeps me away from gambling. Some people are strong enough to stop there, but some unfortunately will do all above and beyond to go and feel the gambling rush. I'm a very addicted to adrenaline. I do things to deal with it and one of them is gambling. But I dont think I could ever consider it a way of income, to me it's the adrenaline.
  7. Some people can hear you, some unfortunately need to reach own bottom rock to finally open their eyes. Gambling is fun as long as you use common sense, but with addictions it is never that simple and easy to stop. This is what addiction makes to you. It is very hard to stop with something that gives you the rush. Took me lots of money to loose before I grew strong enough to never consider gambling as a way to earn money.
  8. LGIAS had many fun and less fun guests. Some made us cry laughing some annoyed enough to stop watching the stream. Who is your favourite guest and why? Who would you like to see again to join the stream?
  9. Sorry to hear this man. And it is very disturbing that we live in a world now when gambling seems the way to get money to buy food or pay bills. I think there should be more done to help real gambling addicts Unfortunately it is real, we see that many countries, Ireland is no longer a place you can enjoy live without worries how to pay bills.
  10. Nice, finally paid something nice, seeing anything nice like this is a rare thing. Congratulations man on your win 👍😊
  11. Wow thats some people being happy😁 top winner 300k richer in his pocket
  12. Wow man, that 4k win was awesome. With 60p bet, big congrats 😁👍
  13. I can imagine, im from Poland and we love gambling 😂
  14. Sucks or not, thats a nice win man, big congrats 👍😊
  15. Could be, looking at population of London there's a lot of foreigners. 😉
  16. "Coffee made me doing" 😂 congratulations man, thats a nice win 👍
  17. Thats a ding ding 😉👍
  18. Ita sad, i can only imagine with costs of living similar situation is in other countries Looking at how many dutchess stream and are in chats of gambling streamer, you must like gambling a lot😏
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  20. It actually surprised me, thats a lot of people being desperate enough to risk money to loose this way. Gambling is with human for very long time, and it will never stop, people will always find a way to be able to gamble.
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