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Got a good one here verified at ritz deposited £20 threw debit card played a bit withdrew £65 no problem instant withdrawl

Next day deposited £50 however no balance in account checked bank it had left contacted customer support told me they had technical issues and said she would put it in which she did , played and got up to £330 so like i do now run i went to withdraw it stated please contact customer support so i did they told me i had to take screen shots of deposits which i thought strange i did then they rejected them i then was told i had to send pdf bank statements with all recent tranasactions which i could not as confidential transactions would of been seen , i was then in a position were  i believed what i was told  the only way to withdraw was to let my personsal transactions be disclosed which i could not so just thought i have £330 i mite as well just play it off and just loose £50 which i did , later on when i was thinking something does not add up never had any issues fast withdrawls excellent casino so i looked at my depost tranction history and then realised the deposit for £50 did not show up visa it showed up admin modification as the £50 was added manual as they had issues , so when i withdrew it failed as the withdrawl was not going to same payment method i just sank threw their issues i lost £330 , hence the request of bank statement to prove the withdrawl was going to my bank not to visa , i contacted custome support and was told it was my end at fault and withdrawl was sent and declined checked with bank nothing was recieved or declined, the withdrawl was rejected hence not sent anywere never approved hence could not be sent , spoke to few people changed subject then spoke to a lovely lady who confirmed because it was done manual we could not put it back to visa and had to be paid in my bank hence all info account number etc, i explained if there was no issue at your end it would of been made with visa and i would had a instant cashout she did not know what to passed me on to customer support again but not contacted then yet as i dont know were i stand 😪😪

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