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BLANCO 5000X HIT MOST UN NATURAL HIT plus banned for voicing opinion


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How can it get sucked across the room 

I feel sick how controlled this is  how un natural that was 🤮

And they say its random my A** 

Someone banned my original account after posting my opinion I've been a member for over 2 years signed up to every affiliate link spent how much time in chat supporting. 


But if I speak up I'm banned what the heck be carful folks. 

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1 hour ago, Amma said:

How can it get sucked across the room 

I feel sick how controlled this is  how un natural that was 🤮

And they say its random my A** 

So I can see the tin foil hat wearers also say it's rigged when people win too! Well, I've got to offer you some credit that you don't only say it's rigged when you're losing.

But, lets apply a little logic here..

First of all, why would a casino or game provider rig an outcome that is massively not in their favour? It's not like only LGIAS or any other streamer has access to that game round of Crazy Time. You, and any other person in the world playing on an online casino that offers Evolution as a provider could have joined in the exact same game round, and had the exact same win. Times your stake of course, if you chose to bet on pachinko.

Now, it did look kind of weird. But is it really that unrealistic to think that the pachinko puck just naturally fell in the slot that it did?
No. Because if your going repeat doing something enough times over and over again, you're eventually going to see some strange results that look unnatural, but are in fact perfectly normal. If you flip a coin enough times you're going to get a result that's neither heads nor tails, as it will land directly on it's side. Okay, you may have to flip the coin millions of times, but it will eventually happen.
Would you be here creating this same post if it wasn't a 20x top slot round of pachinko, and the puck behaved in the same manner and fell into a 7x multiplier? Because I can guarantee the same weird movement has happened multiple times over the life of pachinko, but you just haven't noticed it, or gave it enough attention because that result was nowhere near as interesting and high profile. Would you also be here creating this thread if you had joined in the same game round and won 5000x times your stake?

I've worked in the casino industry for many years, and been everything from a croupier dealing table games and poker, to a Pitboss, and a consultant to online and land based casinos, and their game providers. I've seen some of the most ridiculous game outcomes with theoretical odds that seem virtually impossible. But, they do happen. I could sit here and give you multiple examples of how I've hit the same number in roulette back-to-back 9 times on a perfectly balanced wheel, or seen another croupier deal a royal flush twice within three hands, and the odds are them are billions to one.
Blanco had a 1 in 16 chance of hitting that particular section of the pachinko board with the highest multiplier, not exactly the most unrealistic odds in the world. The puck could have gone straight down, or even been dropped much further to the right that it already was and generated the same result, that's the nature of a random event. It's random.

2 hours ago, Amma said:

I've been a member for over 2 years signed up to every affiliate link spent how much time in chat supporting. 

Then as a supporter for that long, I don't see why you're not just over the moon for Blanco and Kim?!

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I feel the same pain as Amma. It's harsh to see someone winning huge amounts of money week after week, calling with a fat stack of 50's and actually getting rich by gambling. It's especially painfull for me, because I lose thausands and thausands of euro's due to gambling. 

But this doesn't mean this win is fake, Blanco was just on the right place at the right time and won actually lifechanging money for the most people. And ofcourse I feel extremely jealous, but I couldn't wish this to happen more than to Kim and Blanco. Congrats both, and thanks for giving the casino's a bad night :).

And Amma, try to stay away from casino's if you don't trust them. 

Oh and by the way @NeWbZs, it's not about 5.000x, which is not unnatural, it's about winning 175.000€ which is for the most people a huge amount.

Edited by Svenix
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Mate the puck went over the top of one of the spikes 😂

Literally levated across the room come on 

This what scares me you say your a ex groupier etc you should no that isn't natural and your comparing it to flipping a coin and it's not the same thing 

Yeah I'm not crazy I'm not gonna just call them out when they don't pay ofc 

Because I actually care about players this was very un natural even if it was a 5000x

you know you can hear the wheel sometimes when its about to hit a bonus and the cogs make a slight different noise if you have a trained ear for it 

Seriously don't bet just listen to the wheel 

Monitor it when it huts a bonus any and then listen when it's just a normal number 

Plus watch the dealers faces they looking at something when they spinning some might say its the chat 

Obvs but they time there spin 

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Buddy I'm not really bothered that someone won a monster I'm happy for players 

And believe me we all have bad luck good luck just your time 

I'm just pointing out the fact the Puck levated across the room over a spike

And it was the most unnatural thing you think I'm jealous of these streamers mate 

You don't even know if that's there cash could be rolled up into bonus etc 

I noticed blanco redeposited 4k before he went back to crazy time do they not get a bonus added every deposit 

And in bonus fund the max bet is £5 literally everywhere its rare you will see a casino that had a max bet in bonus funds higher than £5 

If you understand what I mean 



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8 hours ago, Amma said:

Mate the puck went over the top of one of the spikes 😂

Literally levated across the room come on 

It wasn't that weird. The puck went left pretty quickly, but that's it. 


8 hours ago, Amma said:

This what scares me you say your a ex groupier etc you should no that isn't natural and your comparing it to flipping a coin and it's not the same thing 

It's not the same thing, no. But the concept of what I'm trying to say is still relevant.
The amount of times I've span a roulette ball, the ball has dropped into the wheel, and bounced in a way that physically looks impossible probably happened around once per shift. I'm just saying things that look kinda' weird happen sometimes, but they're in fact normal.


8 hours ago, Amma said:

you know you can hear the wheel sometimes when its about to hit a bonus and the cogs make a slight different noise if you have a trained ear for it 

Seriously don't bet just listen to the wheel 

You're really telling me that the wheel makes a different sound when a certain result is going to happen? Come on man.


8 hours ago, Amma said:

 Plus watch the dealers faces they looking at something when they spinning some might say its the chat 

Obvs but they time there spin 

The dealers can't time their spin. It's impossible. Okay, to some extent if you've been doing it for years you may be able to hit a very rough section, some of the time. But there are so many variables. The flapper is regularly changed making the amount of force needed to generate a certain result change regularly. The tiniest, most minute amount of force when spinning that a human brain wouldn't be able to account for will also have an effect on the result.


All in all though, Evolution are heavily regulated and all of their games are thoroughly vetted for fairness and to ensure they're in line with the stated RTP, and are balanced properly. I know this as I consult with different providers, perhaps even Evo being one of them. This is done before a games release, and throughout the games lifecycle. Something as high profile as Crazy Time would simply never be rigged. No one has anything to benefit from doing so. The game provider and the online casino already make lots of money from the house edge, on Crazy Time, and every one of their other games.

Edited by joshnadin
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If you feel like something is truly rigged then push for an investigation. You’ll have to show ample amount of proof before a gambling commission investigates. 

I know the casino and evolution make a fortune off CT so there’s no point in rigging it. I don’t think you fully understand how detrimental it would be to all the casinos who use evolution and evolution themselves if it was rigged and proven. We’re talking of the biggest lawsuit in gambling history, with all bets ever placed needing to be refunded and prison sentences, monstrous fines and compensation and bankruptcy. 

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Of course there are LOTS of points of rigging this game: change the volatility, keep the rtp correct (never let it go too low or too high in certain time cycle), hit big wins frequently, hit big wins when major streamers streaming, collect when you want, tweak the game behaviour and find the most profitable settings for collecting money.

They would definitely get people’s money even this wasn’t rigged - but they multiply their winnings by making this computer based. And RIGGED.

Some day somebody finds it out. Then they explain it that it’s all legal, because it is legal what they’re doing.

Edited by Make
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1 hour ago, Make said:

change the volatility

Erm, what? To change the volatility, the whole fundamentals of the game would have to be noticeably altered 🤔

1 hour ago, Make said:

keep the rtp correct (never let it go too low or too high in certain time cycle),

I don't even know what this means. But if they're keeping the RTP correct, then this would only show that is isn't rigged. Right?

1 hour ago, Make said:

hit big wins frequently, hit big wins when major streamers streaming

With how many streamers play Crazy Time, and generally stream around the world in different time zones, it would be practically impossible to find a time when a streamer was not playing and a big win happened.

1 hour ago, Make said:

They would definitely get people’s money even this wasn’t rigged - but they multiply their winnings by making this computer based. And RIGGED.

Computer based? Again, what you mean isn't clear at all. There's a host spinning the wheel, and then inputting the result into a computer. The host is essentially the Random Number Generator, just like a croupier shuffling a deck of cards. Some of the game show's are controlled by a computer, but the outcome is still random, just like a slot machine. Or, does the tin foil hat extend to thinking slots are rigged too?

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What is the odds for hitting 20x or 25x Cash Hunt?

I was watching Crazy Time yesterday. All time highs with 9500 players, it hardly hit any bonuses, it was super dead. Today 5000+ players playing, it has given 3x CH, 5x CH, 20x CH, 20x CH and 25x CH between 10:00-15:00 UTC. Nice, hopefully you were there.

It's a pyramid scheme in a casino world. Next week they will hit over 10k players in the prime time.

Edited by Stevej
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