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DoA2 ( 0,09 stake ) 10507x


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Had a week off from work, played 3 screens for a few days, nothing happened and gave up ( I have to give it a grind now and again, can't help it hehe :P )

Today I had a leftover 9 euros sitting in this account, I never played DoA2 on there before because the game just didn't load for some reason . Now I noticed they have the game twice so I clicked the other one, it opened. Put it on 0,09 , bonus landed after a few spins and it gave this lmao


Interesting side note: Both this ( my 2nd best ) and my best wildline ( just under 20000x ) landed when I wasn't grinding on multiple screens and both landed quickly. Shows there's no need to grind if you get lucky ;) 

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