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Fruit Warp, wait what?


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So I was playing fruit warp the other day and thought I saw something weird, I'm pretty sure the base win actually dropped a bit after I got to the end, but it happened so fast and I wasn't recording so I thought it was just me seeing the wrong numbers. 

But today I checked in on BC7's stream and I noticed that the exact same thing happened to him, as you can see on the pictures he's got a base win total of 87 kroner when he's only missing 2 fruits, but after getting the 2 last fruits required he's base win actually goes down from 87 kroner to 86 kroner, how is that possible? Anyone else noticed this? Never experienced it before now recently and I've played fruit warp a lot before.

Not that it makes a huge difference for the win, but it seems a bit odd, a bug maybe?




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