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Everything posted by Yagiz

  1. By the way, those who play on the upper right side of the screenshots I took know that there are tiers that change depending on your bet amount on the site. For example, if you bet $20,000, your level will increase. Even though it was $32,800, I was at level 9, so it's clear that I made those bets. 1) the amount I deposited https://r.resimlink.com/TdlEx3.jpeg 2)first win https://r.resimlink.com/h42g1JTpoE.jpeg 3) 888x big win https://r.resimlink.com/yu5DtUhq.jpeg 4)Money withdrawal https://r.resimlink.com/4Ztopqszv9.jpeg 5) Cancel Withdrawal Please look at the clock in the top left corner https://r.resimlink.com/_4ag9ZvSBL1y.jpeg 6) The 48 hour approval process has started, I have submitted my documents, I continue playing the game while I wait, you can see the time + the winner's username is written. https://r.resimlink.com/kaRzeL2hYP.jpeg 7) After hours the safe reaches the value of $3300 https://r.resimlink.com/n94Na7QI6rP.jpeg https://r.resimlink.com/cB-Zx24I6.jpeg 4117 dollars https://r.resimlink.com/yUQNIuGJd7L.jpeg 5439 https://r.resimlink.com/hO4W5J.jpeg You can check the hours and charging progress https://r.resimlink.com/5BHCLO.jpeg https://r.resimlink.com/Vzfki2RpC7Wd.jpeg 5994 dollars https://r.resimlink.com/oyWO3dHxMa.jpeg 6348 dollars https://r.resimlink.com/vjJ8ndoF-SDO.jpeg 8297 dollars https://r.resimlink.com/qlUt2N.jpeg Total stake https://r.resimlink.com/ZpzgT5O_0.jpeg https://r.resimlink.com/MUwEXh.jpeg $10,409 https://r.resimlink.com/Z51NhPeB8.jpeg $15,404 https://r.resimlink.com/LUdVl4-YaC.jpeg Total stake https://r.resimlink.com/sw6kcq.jpeg, 22,800 https://r.resimlink.com/D-iJ9uwGVsB.jpeg 8)The private customer representative says it won't be a problem if I lose it. https://r.resimlink.com/iO7NsqHZ8Pt.jpeg 27221 dollars https://r.resimlink.com/BetSNryK.jpeg The level is rising, the safe is above $28,000 https://r.resimlink.com/vzAX-UMEB.jpeg Finally, my safe costs $32,800 and the term is 48 hours. (Level 9) https://r.resimlink.com/jUymX8Prk7.jpeg After 48 hours my details are correct and after submitting my passport and face photo I receive messages saying that I have other accounts or that others have logged in from home. Imagine you have a friend at home, you buy 2 beers and gamble, your friend next to you says I should leave site x and play from here, we should have reported this anyway. The guest connects to your WiFi. These statements are an excuse not to tell your friends. https://r.resimlink.com/uHobM.jpeg I am sending emails because the account has been suspended. https://r.resimlink.com/k-v0Q.jpeg Answer https://r.resimlink.com/GYN49.jpeg https://r.resimlink.com/kJ5Ns6Upq.jpeg I'm waiting for your support
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