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Posts posted by Biasletti

  1. Hello,

    This might or might not be a somewhat emotional topic.

    I think we all, and with all I mean the whole community who gambles for fun, for pleasure, should be really thankful that we are able to watch these Casinogrounds streamers everyday.

    I'm not sure for how long I've been subscribed to Letsgiveitaspin but it's been a while. In the past I've had many issues with gambling. The problems I've had were not only money-wise, but the gambling community I was in at that time being really toxic towards me. I've been backstabbed by many (real life) friends and lost trust in so many ways. I've had ongoing lawsuits about money being stolen, and had real life threats to my person. All of these elements combined made me lose hope in the gambling community. There was no more enjoyment for me, and I would be the depressed guy sitting at the poker or roulette table. I was addicted, but even worse; I lost hope in everything.

    Time past by end I started my bachelors degree in philosophy. School gave me the possibility to put things in perspective. I might of lost almost all of my (so called) friends, but that wouldn't be able to stop me from enjoying the things I really like. I started browsing, for the first time in my life, on Twitch. I never really watched streams, let alone gambling related streams. But here I was; clicking 'follow' and 'subscribe' on a, what I thought, would be a simple streamer.

    Time past by and I grew from being a viewer for just a few hours a week, to someone who would be looking forward to being able to be apart of something. Something more than just a stream. A whole community. It gave me the right amount of distraction, which I really needed from time to time. Within the past year I've had a hard time. And for that part, i'm going to be brutally honest here. I broke up (and later got back together with my girlfriend whom I really love), I lost an unborn child, failed almost all my subjects in school, had some more gambling problems and, just in general, had a really hard time. The stream was a moment for myself, where none of these problems existed.

    Nowadays I'm focussing on school again, limiting my gambling to an absolute minimum (and even being able to actually pay for holidays) and just (trying to) enjoy life. Even though times have changed now, and for the most part i'm still working to climb out of this deep hole, I'm way happier than I ever was. The stream contributes in a decent amount to that amount of happiness. 

    By now, I have become an active viewer, and almost join in every day. I make memes, and try to increase the amount of happiness for everybody watching the stream aswel. There might be, and mos likely will, a guy, girl (or someone non-binary LOL) who has the same problems I had, and in some amounts still have. There might be some guy on the verge of collapsing, you never know. I'm sure all of these streamers are, or are able to be a light in these peoples eyes and minds. And in my opinion, we should all be really, really thankful for that. 

    These streamers often stream many many hours, and sometimes lose great amounts of money. It's likely and completely understandable that these people get frustrated, and often lose their ability to shine. But I hope, for my part atleast, that by viewing and being active and humorous (or atleast trying to) that I can bring that same amount of happiness to them. U never know who needs it.

    In summary I just think we all should be really thankful for everybody in the community (from regular viewer to streamer and helpers offstream). They give us pleasure, even though there is no rational reason that they actually should. They are honest, genuine people, unlike all the other (fakemoney) streamers. These guys are different, and thank you for that.

    Now i'll go back to hugging my girlfriend, 

    if you stopped reading, don't worry; I understand. This text was way too long.
    If you didn't, thank you. I hope it didn't make you to depressed.

    Thanks everybody,


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