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Posts posted by Slotplayer

  1. Typical Casumo bullshite. Happy to let you deposit your money, despite having an outstand CCJ, but then refuse to pay the winnings that, ironically, could clear most if not all of the debt.

  2. On 11/10/2022 at 15:05, luugius said:

    Well think of it this way, bonus buy is a fast track to the bonus. In the same way you could argue that you need to count how many spins/ how much money did it cost to get bonus spinning normally.  What is the difference if I pay 100x to get bonus  or I lose 100x doing normal spins and then get the bonus? 

    People want to see crazy wins, and for many games bonus buy is the only way to get these max wins, just imagine how difficult it is to get super bonus on San quentin for example with normal spins. 


    So stop complaining, enjoy the content and don't watch if you don't like it :)

    On one hand you're saying a 100x bonus buy is the same as doing 100 spins and on the other hand you'r saying how difficult it is to get the super bonus on San Quentin.

    And that is exactly the point. If I were to trigger that super bonus on San Quention naturally (more chance of winning the lottery probably) and it goes for 10,000x the stake, that is something proud to be shown off.

    A super buy bonus on San Quention and then winning the same amount is not the same.

    • Like 3
  3. It is bad enough having to play a low RTP slot but having to hunt for the RTP information is not helping the players. RTP should be clearly shown on the games loading screen so that the player can immediately close the slot down if it is not to their liking. No more hunting within the various option screens where the RTP is shown.

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  4. 3 hours ago, Mwright1712 said:

    Think the reaction of jumping up and down saying I won a million was totally genuine, like fk it was, nobody could celebrate so boringly in the same monotone voice, zero excitement, I've been more excited flushing a shit from my toilet, surely these casinos can be asked via freedom of information act? 

    You will probably find that Freedom of Information Acts don't exist in the jurisdictions these casinos operate

  5. 10 minutes ago, Slots Critic said:

    You should be very careful when you speak of things with such certainty. You immediately put someone down for something they claim, saying it's not possible with zero research.

    As someone in a position of power, you're part of the problem when it comes to these threads which aim to educate and provide the truth, because you're speaking utter rubbish.

    To clarify I've joined this forum, tried to educate people and start an intelligent reason backed debate and instead been called a liar by a moderator who is spouting absolute BS on things you could Google or even load betting sites up right now and debunk immediately.

    Usually someone like me would have no chance of defending myself especially against someone who's a moderator. This is yet an important lesson to stop believing everything everyone says and use your own mind and think of things properly. 

    @Big Time Gaming officialsince this guy has tagged you I'll help speed things along, thankfully the night in question I had my phone on me and naturally recorded it because it was a night of insane gambling.

    This happened on 22nd/23rd July 2019 on Mecca Bingo. Oh and if you need even further proof, here's a video of me going crazy after a few drinks while doing these mad bets, which is why I sound deranged. Thankfully I had my phone on me at the time and this was sent over WhatsApp to mates...

    @Slotplayernext time you'll be saying Mecca Bingo is a fake casino? Lol. Time to move on and re-think how you enter discussions, please. 

    What the heck is being a moderator got anything to do with this discussion? It doesn't give me any more power and my posts are just that, a post just like the next person's posts unless I am saying something in the capacity of a moderator which I haven't done in this topic at all.

    So I was wrong but at least I didn't resort to throwing insults, unlike you.



  6. 1 minute ago, Slots Critic said:

    You're clueless, and will find out the moment you ask them. I'm seriously surprised you're a moderator on here if this is how little you know. Go ask them please.

    I just did as you may have read from the post you just quoted from.

  7. 16 minutes ago, Slots Critic said:

    You've never done £50 spins before, seen GOL and gone insane then sent it to your mate to show how intense it is?

    Edit 2: Sorry that photo (the first one). I replied at first thinking you meant my other photo - the first one I just loaded up BetVictor 20mins ago to show you that you can spin more than £20 just now. That's not me spinning, that's me loading it up to show you because you said you can't spin more than £20 which is BS.

    As much BS as being able to do £200 spins on Bonanza.

    Let's ask @Big Time Gaming official Nik if any UK based casino ever had a version of Bonanza that was/is able to spin at £200, or if it is even possible to play at this stake at all on any of the official hosted versions.

  8. 1 hour ago, Slots Critic said:

    You realise the amount you can spin changes per casino, right? Yes you can (or could when I did it).

    BetVictor £40 for example:



    Why would you take a picture of the Bonanza start screen when not even a spin has been played?

  9. 2 hours ago, Slots Critic said:

    You do realise how affiliation works, right? Combined with casino bonuses and high popularity of course you can spin that amount.

    I'm not a streamer and I've had Bonanza bonus twice on £100 and also span £200 on the game for 20-40 spins before, does that mean I'm fake even though you don't know me? That's while making 0 affiliation money or using no casino bonuses.

    You can't do £100 let alone £200 spins on Bonanza. Max bet is £20

  10. 11 hours ago, ryans_slots said:

    so where do fake money streamers fit in, in terms of '' game provider fees '' if they constantly are playing on casinos playing games how do casinos find ways around gaming fees to the providers? if that makes sense as I'm not sure how providers actually make their money in terms of % of spins, losses etc.

    There is quite an interesting topic over on Casinomeister where a representative of Pragmatic answers your exact question plus much more regarding sponsoring of streamers.

    Don't want to link to it direct, so feel free to message me and I'll let you have the link to it.

  11. 3 hours ago, Eliot said:

    and why do u care? Why do u even watch them Play. Do their gameplay affects u in any way? Let them Okay with the fakemoney and make realmoney on the fanboys😂

    Well I do care because they take viewers away from the genuine streamers with their ridiculous stream titles.

    • Like 5
  12. 1 hour ago, SlotBoy said:

    The casino streaming world has went from regular players having a bit of fun to completely out of touch with reality.

    I agree with part of this statement. All those years ago, high rolling was £2 a spin!

    Then it went all wrong with outdoing each other with silly giveaways (it used to be free spins, remember those days), increasing the stakes where if you stream at £1 a spin you don't get any viewers, and now you don't know who is and who isn't playing with real money.

    • Like 1
  13. Nothing personal against Alvin, but maybe he can explain this. You are taking offence by the comments made against you (even threatening legal action) yet it was you some time ago that made a video accusing others playing with fake money and having to prove they are not by showing deposits and withdrawals? Wasn't it Rocknrolla too that made such video?

    What's good for the goose and all that good stuff......

    • Get in! 1
  14. 12 minutes ago, slotsofun said:

    Yeah, it looks like they are direct. Although I wouldn't look too much into it. 

    Sponsorship deal for the amount of hits his website gets and having the casino banner on his reccomended list probably.

    It's basically getting paid for doing a job, no matter what way he gets the paid.

    Anyway, I'm not sure why I am even in here, I don't watch chip myself. :D 

    Just don't like to see people wrongly accused I guess, better to share all the facts and get it right before shitting on someones livelihood.

    But if that is the case, then be open and honest about it when challenged else you possibly going to find yourself in "Rosh" fake money streaming territory.

    It has always been the unwritten rule in the Twitch casino section that you are expected to play with your own money, not money given by the casino when there is absolutely no risk attached to it.

    Put it this way.... if he gets sponsored his deposit for each video created, then there will be a restriction on the amount he can cash out as it otherwise is not going to be financially sustainable for the casino. That makes those "big" wins plus the fake reactions rather not so big and exciting then if you can't cash all of it out.

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  15. 17 minutes ago, slotsofun said:

    So your website coding expert doesn't realize people can alter the viewable URL to be different from the source URL? Having a URL with numbers/codes related to affiliation looks less attractive than the casino's normal URL. It's better to hide the affiliation code.


    He is right though. If you look at his website:

    Spinson - direct to casino website

    Winstonbet - direct to casino website

    Awesome Spins - direct to casino website

    All the other casinos have either affiliate tags or go via a redirect on his website.

    Why else would those three casinos not have an affiliate tag so no commission is made unless he gets a fixed fee for having a banner on his website or a fixed fee for each video made.

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