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Everything posted by tjwookie

  1. just watched your video, awesome hit and your reactions are priceless. big congrats
  2. wow, what a hit in the base, big congrats
  3. great win, big congrats
  4. tjwookie


    cracking win, congrats
  5. wow, amazing luck to get away with that one, big congrats
  6. great win big congrats and enjoy your winnings..
  7. slight typo error in the bonushunt spiele "NOTE: If The payback of the bonushunt is less then 50% (7500) There will be no prize today." surely it should be 5k
  8. first big win ive seen on this slot, big congrats
  9. wow wow wow, bet you were screaming with joy, big congrats(maybe take a couple of weeks off the slots!)
  10. wow that guy payed a lot, big congrats
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