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Posts posted by Elixir

  1. On 14/11/2021 at 18:21, terror_82 said:


    I wanna continue sharing my story here. I wish nobody will make same mistakes I did.

    I posted here few months ago that I quit gambling, but I couldn't do that. I still played maybe 10k-15k after that post. Now I haven't played maybe for a one month and it feels good, but I still get that feeling every week that I should play more. But I know, I can't do that. I'm a gambling addict.

    I've played 15-20 years. Mostly 1-5e bets and usually won nothing. I've lost about 10k-20k every year. There hasn't been a profitable year. I don't know how it is even possible. I lost my interest in slots because they've never paid anything bigger.

    A year ago I found Crazy Time and started winning basically every week, over one month. I thought I found a strategy that works and made profit about 20k. I played with 10e bets (only two bonuses at a time, so bigger bets but less bonuses covered). Then in the beginning of this year I started losing and quit playing the game, but came back after one month. Then I won again 10k, hitting 500x with 20e bet. I was up to about 25k.

    Then I started losing like crazy. After that win I've played it almost every week, but haven't won a single win over 100x. I lost that 25k + maybe 30k more. I know it's my own stupidity - I'm an addict - but I'm also really disappointed on this game. I've got those bonuses hundreds of times, but every single time the result is almost the lowest possible. Or how many times I've left the game and it started giving 200x, 500x, or what ever??... Is it just my own bad luck or is the game rigged? I don't share my opinion in this post. The history of the spins available online is the worst thing in the world for players like me.

    One month ago I thought I play one more time what ever happens. It was a big mistake. I deposited 1k and got Crazy Time with 7x multi (20e bet), but chose again the lowest possible option only gaining +2000e. The highest win was 700x. I ended up playing the whole money, because I only got up 1k and I was already down a fortune...

    I always feel that I get into that "limbo" when playing that game. It feels that the game designed to avoid everything I play. It's a fucking horrible feeling. Maybe it's just my bad luck, but it's something unbelievable... I was depressed about one week from that session. I feel so stupid, but I know I have an addiction. I've tried to close everything and it helps a little.

    So now, this is my second attempt to stop gambling. I try my best to stay away from that road. Just saying to everybody, stay away from big bets. It's the deadliest thing to do. And f**k you @Evolution Gaming Official. I've probably your most loyal customer but you never give anything back. And maybe it's good that you didn't. Fun is gone, money is gone and I have to stop.

    Take care people, stay away from big bets.

    Keep on trying bro...u will make it...if not, visit a psychotherapist to have a better approach to your case...


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