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Novomatic Slot (Only Coin Machine)

Leo's Gambling & Gaming

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You can play it in some bars and in "sala slot" it's like local casinos where there are only slots (coin slots) and VLT machines (like novomatic and spielo) but the payouts in this slots are very bad like 70 % in this "coin machines" but you can hear the sound of the coins falling down and know when the slot are full of money and the coins goes down in another "pocket" it means the slot is very full and it's going to pay..there are but also several modes for the keeper of the slot to make refills and making is look like it's full but it's not..sory for my bad english.


You can win in this 1000 euro or even more only 1 or 2 euro coins and 2 euro max bet but initial max bet is 1 euro..max you can win is 100 euro (you win 100 euro than you play again and win another 100 euro ecc ecc).

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