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Garga on Fire, 4k win on Gigantooz!!!

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11 hours ago, ressivv said:

One 2000x win and a slot is broken / isn't normal?


@ressivv Bro its not only ONE 2000x win. Its the 5th over 1000x win in like 3 weeks. And when one day you hit 2500x and the next day you hit 2000x... yes its not that normal...

Dont you agree ?


Check the dates yourself if you dont believe me












Edited by GodSaveTheQQs
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On 12/01/2023 at 18:45, troylaporte said:


I feel I'm the only person to never hit anything substantial on this game lol I avoid it like the plague now


On 12/01/2023 at 20:56, Rigged_life said:

Nice, i want that too :(


On 12/01/2023 at 22:11, Withoutname said:

Damn i never win that much

Guys thx again! just dont stop trying! Be persistent! You will get it one day thats for sure!

Keep pushing Garga and he will show up :)

On 12/01/2023 at 22:22, tjwookie said:

great win, big congrats


On 12/01/2023 at 23:04, FATTYFATFAT said:

Very Nice


On 13/01/2023 at 00:59, Werran said:


Blessings m8's 🙏

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