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Problem with Chanz casino


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Ive ran into a bit of trouble and wondering if anyone had troubles like this before.
Im registered and verified at chanz casino, never had a problem with them ever, all ran perfectly fine always. Now the "proof of income" question pops up from them, i explain that i do not work, corona screwed up the whole job situation long ago here for me.
I told them I only use skrill for gambling and provided them my entire skrill history from 1 year back, then they demand me to send them more and more stuff, copies of cards i never used on the casino, etc. I also do not anymore have a regular internet-bank because Swedish banks are fools, they discontinued my bank account because i traded Bitcoin + sold bitcoin. (Common thing here with banks, im sure others experienced this too) - And i have like 1600 euros at chanz casino which I now am not able to provide bank details to. 

Is this just a casino not wanting to payout what i've got in my balance or something?
Sounds f**ked up in my ears..

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