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Hi Guys,

Im sure this is the one most of us chase - I'd dare say its the dream. I very rarely gamble about £50 a month. 

This Dream-catcher has caught my eye from watching streams so i thought i would have a little play.

I placed £10 on 2 - £2 on 10 - £2 on 20 and £1 on 40 - this is my first spin on joining the table/wheel. It comes up 7X now my 2 is 14x - Wow im happy with anything here 2 rolls in thats £140 Cheers easy. The geezer rolls comes in 7x again makes it 98x - Im praying for 2! He rolls again comes in 2x its gone hugeeeee 196x - I cant control the excitement i feel my heart beating very fast but also know that a 1x/5x ruins the dream. The Legend spins the wheel again (Mid Beatbox i might add) it slows and hits 2. I lose my shit, i have just turned £15 into £1970... safe to say i cashed straight out and its going towards my house deposit! Enjoy the story and enjoy the Screenshots!





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