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Verify casino account - Edited


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This is the full story of the process i had to go true to get verified to make a withdraw. The email conversation was in Swedish. I have done my best to translate it as accurate as possible. I have saved every email and chat conversation with support to back my story.

Is this normal? ?

Me and my computer went to a new casino and opened an account with bank_id verification. Really smooth, made a deposit without problem as usual ? . Played live games and won some money. Ended my session happy and made a withdraw "BOOM" a window pops up and says, ur account has to be verified. This is all the documents i provided to the casinos finance department: Driver`s license, phone bill, wage spec, bank account i used for deposit, private bank account for salary and both account`s with 30 days history back in time. And i told the support at one point that the only thing missing now is my DNA. Before we start i just wanna mention that i talked with the support the same day i sent all the documents and they asked about my source of wealth. I replied, work, save and some trading (small amateur). Let`s move on to day 2. Was this enough to verify me? Email from support: I have a new update from finance department. We have to ask for more documents to clarify the matter further. We want u to explain these transactions named transfer via internet, are they made between ur accounts? If yes, could u provide basis for ur savings. Because ur transactions are very high, it`s not enough with ur wage spec to verify the source of the deposit funds because it indicates that u deposit an higher amount than ur wage spec shows. U mentioned earlier to me that u r doing some trading and earned a pick that way. The easiest for u is probably to provide us basis of that profit, or if u have other income sources as savings, pension, investments or other income sources. Any type of basis that proves that u have other income sources will work. I started to get really frustrated and angry. Am i a terrorist/drug lord? And no, the deposit was not that big as it sounds. What more can i do to get verified? I replied that my trading is not ur business and i wont show u anything, it`s an totally different bank. And if i deposit $2 and have a $4 salary how can i not have money to make a deposit? (they have my wage spec). I will contact Arn= general complaints board in Sweden for help. Because i don`t get what u want from me anymore. And yes, i did transactions between my account`s. Is that wrong? Prove my saving, how? I take money from my salary and save. Email from support. The tone had changed, maybe because i said i would contact general complaints board? Support: We just wanna know about transactions u made from a account that end ***444, is that one of ur account`s? (yes, but i did not use it for deposit). And a basis for where ur salary is paid out. If it`s paid out to ur private bank account (as standard) we only need a basis for that. Because on ur wage spec we can`t see to witch account number ur salary is paid out, only the sum. Took screenshot and explained that account ***444 is mine. Took screenshot of my private account where my salary goes so they could see the same sum there as on my wage spec. Email from support: We would gladly wanna hear what u think about our support. Be so kind and answer this simple question by click this link. REALLY! We r not done and i am not verified yet, and i get this. Retards! How to respond? What happens if i tell them the truth? So my respond was: The security is fantastic and u guys at support helped me true the whole process and guided me to find all the right documents needed. 1 1/2 hour later Email from support: Now i really think they got enough of documents to completely verify the source of ur deposit funds. I will personally go to the guys at finance department tomorrow morning and fix this. Kissed my ass so much that i don`t even wanna talk about it. Day 3. Email from support: U r fully verified blah blah blah. I made the withdraw and got the money. Day 4 is today 20/6. Today the support will get to know what i really think about them.

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Four days you got your withdrawal from your bank including verification? I actually think that is pretty ok for a verification process to a bank card or account. I don't think its ok to ask about other bank accounts though as that is none of their business and not related to your account at that casino.

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