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Posts posted by Amma

  1. Bro it's not always about money and profits. 

    They could be rigging the streamers Rtp for phycological reasons 

    Think outside the box it's the next generation target audience for them massively more than anyone could imagine. 

    It's free advertising for them basically instead of shedding out millions for 1 Ad ofc they manipulating Rtp 

    If a streamer decides to start a channel I guarantee it before 6 month to a year they've hit 5000x 10000x + 

    And average players on a 5 year course will hit between 2000x and 3500x that's what everyone has reported and it's what I'm experiencing myself like I said I out 10x the spins through the machines on lower stakes

    I consider myself to have crazy luck but all honesty nothing compare to these streamers 30000x + and stuff 

    • Boom 1
  2. Well that's brilliant for you buddy but like we are all saying the max we are hitting is like 3500x if super lucky I'm hitting close to them but not these casino streamers monsters hits. 


    Casinos are getting are manipulated if its Rtp I'm not sure but not everyone can be wrong 

    Sorry mate but like I've said to many others on this forum you could be init for the wrong reason where I'm not.

    I don't need friends or whatever you fan boys are init for propaganda whatever I'm not interested just concerned about the average player who enjoys to gamble. 

  3. 100% correct there Rtp doesn't even compare to a normal player it so funny how people defend streamers. 


    Why do you think they all have to move Malta = they have support from casinos and no problems from government 

    Why you think they don't mention skrill anymore = found to be be run by casino managers. 

    Why you think they never challenge each other = they all work towards the same goal. 

    And that's being able to work for the casinos and not do hard work in the real world they will try anything to convince you they are the same player as you when in fact its manipulated massive 

    The Bandit 100k plus on jamming £4 stake or £6 I think and East Coast vs West Coast he hardly plays slots 

    Hideous slots bonus buy 37000x Helios fury hardly plays 


    We normal players put 10x the amount of spins through these machines.

    Especially myself as a low stake player max stake is 50p I GO.

    Really unless I'm in wager then I might raise the stakes 

    Yeah I've had decent hits this year to be honest a few about 4 2000x+ hits a few 1000x + hits loads of 500x 300x 800x the usual 400x all of it nice hits but I'm not getting these 5000x 10000x 20000x and even 50000x + plus like these streamers 

    These providers can definitely manipulate a slot I think pragmatic has proven that for everyone it's not hard and it won't be hard to wipe the log either 

    Just think Roshtein win still hasn't been added to the Nolimit win boards that 1Mill 

    just be careful guys all will come out soon but they have cracked down on concerned players this year massively cause we all woke up at the same time really

    They have Removed all possible words in chat that can be deemed as a threat like casino, skrill, etc normal words they removed fake etc 


    YouTube isn't all innocent either these guys must be paying youtube massive pay offs to not cause problems for them they have to be 


  4. @Svenix

    Buddy I'm not really bothered that someone won a monster I'm happy for players 

    And believe me we all have bad luck good luck just your time 

    I'm just pointing out the fact the Puck levated across the room over a spike

    And it was the most unnatural thing you think I'm jealous of these streamers mate 

    You don't even know if that's there cash could be rolled up into bonus etc 

    I noticed blanco redeposited 4k before he went back to crazy time do they not get a bonus added every deposit 

    And in bonus fund the max bet is £5 literally everywhere its rare you will see a casino that had a max bet in bonus funds higher than £5 

    If you understand what I mean 



  5. @joshnadin

    Mate the puck went over the top of one of the spikes 😂

    Literally levated across the room come on 

    This what scares me you say your a ex groupier etc you should no that isn't natural and your comparing it to flipping a coin and it's not the same thing 

    Yeah I'm not crazy I'm not gonna just call them out when they don't pay ofc 

    Because I actually care about players this was very un natural even if it was a 5000x

    you know you can hear the wheel sometimes when its about to hit a bonus and the cogs make a slight different noise if you have a trained ear for it 

    Seriously don't bet just listen to the wheel 

    Monitor it when it huts a bonus any and then listen when it's just a normal number 

    Plus watch the dealers faces they looking at something when they spinning some might say its the chat 

    Obvs but they time there spin 

  6. Why is STS casino taking peoples money and doing everything in there power not to verfiy players


    Why aren't they made to verify before depositing I had my ID luckily but how many be careful of this casino guys. 

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