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Posts posted by NewmAmmy

  1. On 31/01/2023 at 10:14, Gerardo Surzin said:

    Id like to add one thing that every spin is independent from the last, but its also dependent of it - in sequences of RTP,  Hit Frequency, Bonus Game hit frequency, median wins frequency etc. If I am not mistaking its called PSEUDO RNG. Which have randomness but in many controlled billions of spins that we can call it in our math random and independent. 

    Thats why there are massaged simulations done for every game. So yes, we dont know the outcome of every new spin, but once you trigger play - it goes all behind of past frequencies, wins and loses, bonus games (bonus games rtp's, median wins-pretty much like another game) in micro second. Only deveopers/prividers have those numbers in store and most dont want to share it. 

    Because of competitors and because if they will, some games will go to trash.  This has always been my least favorite part of land-based casinos. I usually play at home on https://crazytime-casino.com because the bonuses make me very happy. And there are enough bonuses to start playing.

    I have been gambling for so many years that I practically know all the existing types of slots : D I consider online gambling to be the best form of home entertainment, because making money this way is so easy and fun. I especially don't like that I don't have to spend time traveling to different casinos.

  2. Wow! Good job, man! You received a very good amount from roulette. Congratulations! I've never been so lucky with such roulette wheels. I have never been able to collect more than 5k. I was doing badly, or luck was not on my side, lol. Instead, I do better at other things, such as sports betting. I love them madly. Most of the sports betting I received was 30k. This is my best memory of the gambling world. So good that I learned how to become a bookie to offer sports betting services. So if you ever want to bet on sports, you know who to turn to, haha.

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