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Posts posted by TheBirbYT

  1. On 04/07/2023 at 15:29, OliverCooper said:

    Impressive results, hats off. How long have you been playing and have you always played 1-2 times a week?

    Thanks I appreciate it, I've been playing on Stake, where all these wins come from, for the last 2 and a half years. There were times I was playing 3-4 times a week and some where I would only play once a month or so. Out of all the gambling sites out there I've been gambling for the last 5 years : )

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  2. On 29/06/2023 at 16:00, OliverCooper said:

    Great one! @TheBirbYT tell me pls how often do you play?

    I tend to play once or twice a week, I'm silver VIP on Stake atm halfway to gold. I tend to lowroll but still enjoy casually rather than professionally

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  3. 11 minutes ago, karlosthegr3at said:

    Still error bud

    I got the same error, the issues seems to be rooted in turbo spin needing to be turned on? Turning it on fixed I guess it is something with the spinning animation at the start. I can also remove it until NLC fixes it if you'd like me to, no worries

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