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Posts posted by tehf00n

  1. On 11/04/2022 at 22:52, joshnadin said:

    This statement indicates that you perhaps shouldn't be playing slots or gambling in the first instance. I'm not having a go mate, but anyone here will tell you that chasing your losses is one of the number one indicators problem gambling. If you feel after a bad session you can't move on, you should stop.

    I shouldn't be playing slots. I'm an addicted slot gambler. However I can't stay away and the compulsion is too much for me, hence im addicted.  But I limit my losses. I only spend £20 a week tops. If I win over £100 I cash out, give the wife half and get some more bonuses with the remaining.  This way I can feed my habit without feeding the casinos too much money.

    The reason I played Beast Mode so much is I truly like the slot. It's got a good base game for RTP (usually) and the bonuses are exciting.  The artwork and audio are top notch. I don't think there is a better looking slot and when you play a slot for a long time, that matters.  Nobody wants to hear the Novomatic bleeps and bloops for 6 hours in a session :D   I've stuck to Beast Mode to hit a big win and I just got it. 1100x which just about pays me back everything I lost on it so far.  So cashout is a must and the wife will enjoy a few quid to buy a takeaway or something.  Have fun !


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  2. So I posted here a couple of times about how brutal Beast Mode is when you can't buy the bonus.

    So today I started with £20 and worked it upto £110. Went down a lot on other Relax Gaming slots, especially Plunderland which gave me back 11x from 100spins.

    Went back to Beast Mode with my last £60 and promised myself I would gamble any bonuses because I've lost 6 out of 8 gambles. Went for the 10x wild bonus and it went off.  Final multiplier was 32x and it just kept hitting.

    So I'll stop moaning about the slot now.  Cheers.


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  3. I will preface this with 2 points.

    1. I'm not counting bonus buys but I'm a UK player and can't buy them

    2. The RTP is really good and for a wagering game it's up amongst some of the best


    So why is it my worst slot of the year?

    So far I am 1500x down on this slot.  Today I ran through over 3000 spins and had 2 bonuses. First paid 18x and the second paid 54x.

    It takes roughly 90 minutes to do 1000 spins. So today I played over 4 hours for 2 bonuses.

    This isn't the first time it's been absolutely awful for bonuses.  Last time I played it I ran 600x down without a bonus. I then played another 400x on redeposit without a bonus. The third deposit I got a quick one that I gambled to try get a better bonus and it lost. I had one more bonus which I had to take and it paid roughly 50x.

    My best win on the slot is 180x from the "It's on" basegame bonus.

    What really makes me angry about this slot is it looks good, has good music, the basegame wouldn't be bad if it actually bonused in any decent amount of time and the 3 bonuses are interesting.  But playing for an average of 2 hours to hit the bonus is ridiculous. It's worse than Bonanza and we all know how hard it is to hit that bonus.

    In total I have ran over 10,000 spins on the game and had no return from the bonuses as they have all been sub-par. We know how much it can pay as we sit watching the bonus buys from streamers but it would be a stream killer to try get a few base game bonuses on.

    The bonus gamble makes waiting for a bonus even worse because I can't bring myself to gamble them often. I've gambled 2 and they both lost so when I have sat for an hour to hit a bonus (or longer) it's not worth the risk of gambling it.

    What I believe would make this game better is if the gamble wasn't All or Nothing. If you were gambling half your spins, it would probably entice me to try it more often. Also the frequency of the bonuses is literally stressful. It teases so often, drops bonus symbols so often yet it rarely drops all 3 in.  I had a 4 scatter once in all my spins and I took the middle bonus for the extra spin, and it never made it to 15x and paid under 50x.

    The worst thing is, I won't stop playing it because of this. I have to get at least one decent win before I can finally ban it for good.

    Anyway, I feel beasted by this slot so I'm going to climb into my wardrobe and shout at the dark for a while

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  4. I just ran another 200x through the game without a bonus. I'm not sure if it's just my luck on LeoVegas but I'm seriously thinking this slot hates me.

    600x down without a bonus is sickening to me. I get such a small amount to play with each month and I've wasted it because I actually like the idea of this slot, but without a bonus buy available I feel like I am at a huge disadvantage for the RTP. I know the bonus buy RTP is on a different table, but that begs the question. Why make the base game so horrible to bonus? They could surely have it bonus more often and pay less on average. At least you would feel like you are getting some fun play out of it.

  5. Hey,

    This is just a quick vent.

    I just sat and spun Beast Mode for 2 and a half hours without a bonus. Now the RTP wasn't too bad, I was only 400x down in that time (UK player so 2.5s spins). Best win was 168x from the "It's On" minibonus. But the stress it caused from not getting a bonus made me so angry Im here venting.

    Next time you collaborate with a provider to make a slot, would you please put a "pity bonus" bar like Lil'Devil has to make up for the volatility of getting the bonus. I know I just had some bad luck there but 2 and a half hours (and what I approximate at over 2000 spins, I can't be sure but you can do over 4000 in that time without count ups and minibonus so I halved it) is really the opposite of fun.

    I know it's a bonus buy slot, so you probably don't have a solid idea of how long it takes to bonus this slot on a bad day, but have some pity on us UK players who can't buy them. We can't even autoplay, it's a sad state of affairs.

    Anyway, needed to vent, sorry.

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  6. I just won't play it.  There is volatility that makes sense and then there is a terrible bet.

    If this game was 0.10p stakes, I might throw 100x at it from time to time, but there is no way im starting a path down the "It will pay one day" road as that is how gamblers lose. It's also bad enough that I have two Dead or Alive slots on the go that take all my freaking money.

    Finally, I grinded out a double bonus on Tombstone (0.10) which took just over 15,000 spins total to achieve. It paid 10x. Deadwood can kiss my ass.

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