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Posts posted by TrustworthyC

  1. Noice! One of those games that never ever pays for me and it kinda frustrates me to grind it these days..too much teases and bs animations i have to watch ^.^

    If i had autoplay i prolly would play it more often but now its just torture - Unless it hits ofcourse!

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  2. Gave this a decent attempt 3 or 4 times, and really like it overall. It has plenty of features, i really like the Collosal symbol spins, but they are all fine and obv. all have potential for huge wins. I feel the 'classic' spins is the most friendly option in general. Sample size is not quite there yet so may retract that later :)

    I didn't even notice the enhanced bet on my first session, and only when i clicked that on for the next sesh, i started getting 'Super FS' chances...

    Never triggered them, alas but good that they can trigger. I assume on average the pays will be slightly higher than a regular bonus? Not too sure there. Hot mode never seen yet, but also great that it's there. Having triggered a few in various Relax games, i know it will work as intended (usually 😛)

    I only used the first enhanced bet, the other ones not really fond of: i get it, but i really like all or most enhancements in agame to be incorporated into the regular betsize, and with prices like that im expecting some epic spins, which usually you won't get. Butadmitted, i didn't trry them so i can't really tell..

    I always use enhanced bets, but i don't like the option being there. But i don't blame Relax for that, it seems to be one of those gimmicks that gradually snuck in on various provders' offerings, but to me has always felt like BS. I've tested it many times on a lot of providers, and it really feels like it's useless 99% of the time. 

    But aside from that, the game itself is really good in terms of spin speed, atmosphere (graphics and sounds) and variety. I can see myself playing this a lot!

    I do play all the Tumbles, pretty much, and like them all, but do sense a tendency for large numbers of dead spins across the board :) It is pretty harsh on the bankroll sometimes, especially when your turbospinning and slam stopping (which is extra fun to do on these slots, i.m.o.) but i also feel i get decent playtime on average.

    I personally would love to see Relax put a minimum of 10 cent on all Tumble slots, but 20 is fine too. I'm just a lowroller at heart and seeing these beasts can easily eat a hundred on mere 20 cent bets in no time, the lower betsize would deffo increase my experience!  I got lucky in 2 sessions, in each i got two 150x-ish bonuses back to back, and doulbed or even tripled up start balance, and both times it took it all back on the same bets. Not saying that's abnormal, but for me all the more reason to drop that minimum bet!

    I think this may be my favourite Tumble game so far! Jury is not quite out yet...^.^

    Screenie for the draw, played at 777.nl:


    Thanks for the comp, and good luck all!

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  3. Just to make sure i don't get misunderstood: Leo happens to be my fav. place currently. I like their bonuses the best, and i always get decent play time there, it's just that it was 10x better before the Dutch shizzle...

    I do really hope that someone in the right place takes note of those intrusive RG popups, and gets that fixed. Shouldn't be rocket science t.b.h.

    Also, @LeoVegas_Support and @LeoVegasJ if you guys read this and have some spare time, could you try and pull some strings to see if the Dutch facing client can be updated in the content section? I'm only seeing 3 BTG games, a handful of good Nolimits are M.I.A. and my most important Blueprint game ever is nowhere to be found! (Lightning Strike) :D

    /end hijack

  4. I have seen and lived through such moments since the new Dutch gambling rules came into play, but not specific to Leovegas. A bunch of times i find settings that are at the very least not optimized, as in playerfriendly. Now, i get it, but theres absolutely need for fine tuning and somewhat more sensible apllications of the current rules. And of course some rules need to go, such as normal autoplay and the mentioned above forced breaks as @Janalleman stated: i only want to emphasize this in case a Leo rep comes in to handle this! It happens in all table games, it cost me some money in Videopoker, and roulette. 

    Didn't wanna start a support call for that but it definitely changed my way of playing. I now have to keep an eye on the timer so i don't get stiffed  ^.^

    Surely there is a way to implement this so at least you can not get interupted inan active bet/hand/spin etc.


    Personally, Leo was 10x better for me before the Dutch thing, but i don't feel their service has declined or anything. Just less games on offer (loads of favorites) and the annoying autoplay and RG popups..

    But again, this is so across the board. Hopefully KSA will soon revise one thing or another!@

    @Janalleman one weird question perhaps: how would the KSA have any influence about your bonus-eligibility? That part struck me as odd...

  5. Nice one! Push was nice to me the other day too, with aregular bonus on Bamboo upgrading to gold and then going coin-crazy for 5kx..

    They can be so dry but it's amazing when they do pop off!

    Hope you made it to cash-outland!

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  6. Well, not quite a max win, but damn near close enough for me!! My biggest win multiplier ever, and i've been doing this for about 20 yrs :D

    Had some really big ones before of course, but this just took the crown! Just a regular 3 scatter bonus but the little guys went absolutely apeshit!

    Worth a look, if i may say so myself ^.^

    Wont spoil more for the ones that like to check for themselves, but i'm over the moon... @LeoVegas_Support Instantly paid as always! Cheers 🍺

    Replay Link   <-- If you check this: the very last spin didn't hit anything (which was quite impressive in itself :p) That 100 percent would've been max win then...


    Somehwat revealing screenshot: 




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  7. Bit down on the luck of late..started the day lowrolling on Hacksaw in the hopes of a decent superbonus, and it actually landed and paid! Usually this is one of the ones that can easily dick you in said bonus, but as the multipliers were closing in on meme numbers '69' and '666' you bet i was screaming for them :D 

    They did drop and luckily also landed some symbols to collect, for a very satisfying result and instant 400 cash out!

    All of you that like me, don't have autoplay or bonusbuys, know how long the grind for a superbonus can take, so it's extra nice when they do pay!


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